PREAMBLE 100 LISI GROUP CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 101 1 I LISI IS A MEMBER OF THE GLOBAL COMPACT PROGRAM 101 2 I LISI GROUP VALUES 101 3 I ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNANCE 102 4 I METHOD USED BY LISI IN CREATING ITS CSR POLICY 102 5 I LISI’S STRATEGIC CHALLENGES 103 6 I HUMAN RESOURCES 103 6.1 I People at the heart of our developments 103 6.2 I Reward Performance and Retain Talent 105 6.3 I Maintaining Ethical Standards And Preventing Any Discrimination 107 6.4 I Developing Employee’s Skills and Maintaining Their Employability 108 6.5 I Maintaining Employee Satisfaction 110 7 I HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 113 7.1 I The challenges 113 7.2 I HSE Policy 113 7.3 I The objectives 114 7.4 I Health and Safety Performance 114 7.5 I Environmental Performance 115 7.6 I Action plan 116 8 I RESPONSIBLE PURCHASING 116 9 I PRODUCT SAFETY AND SECURITY 117 10 I ANTI-CORRUPTION EFFORTS 117 10.1 I General Policy Adopted By LISI To Prevent And Fight Corruption 117 10.2 I Work Carried Out In 2018 117 10.3 I Deployment Of The Anti-Corruption Code Of Conduct 117 10.4 I Management of the Alert System 118 10.5 I Identification Of The Risk Level Linked To Corruption 118 10.6 I Third-Party Evaluation Procedures 118 10.7 I Control Procedures 118 10.8 I Training Plan 118 10.9 I Outlook for 2019 118 APPENDICES - HSE 119 SCOPE & EXCLUSIONS 120