In the United Kingdom, the Rugby site published the differences in men
and women’s salaries for the first time in 2018. The reported gap is 3.81%
compared to a national average of 18.4%.
Within LISI AUTOMOTIVE, the French company FORMER has also
implemented its own Gender Equality Agreement to enable it to achieve
a pay gap of less than 3% for non-management salaries based on
comparable factors.
In 2018, women represented 22% of the Group’s global headcount.
Distribution by gender
The percentage of women within the company remained
the same as that of 2017.
LISI has set an objective to work on diversity in 2020.
Maintaining in employment and promoting
the employment and inclusion of people with
Support to the inclusion and employment of people with disabilities
underpins the corporate social responsibility initiative.
training and entities promoting social and professional inclusion.
Situations relating tomaintenance in employment are generally handled
on a case-by-case basis. The sites strive to offer solutions to protect the
job of disabled employees, either by adapting their workplace or by
supporting them to get a change of duty.
In 2018, the LISI AEROSPACE division continued its disability campaign.
In 2018, the rate of employment of persons with disabilities in the Group
remained at 3%, unchanged from2017.
Compliance with the provisions of ILO
fundamental conventions
Aware of their responsibilities vis-à-vis the fundamental conventions of
the ILO, LISI oversee their application at each of the Group entities
Respect for freedom of association and for the right to collective
bargaining, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment
andoccupation,forcedorcompulsory laborandtheeffectiveabolitionof
child labor, are issues that are monitored during the site audits and to
whichmanagement gives a great amount of attention.
LISI is also a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact Program,
which encompasses these themes.
Labor relations
In addition to strict compliance with applicable law, the Group pays
attention to social dialogue with the employees’ representatives,
altogether during meetings of the works committee (or the single
employees’ delegation) on each of the sites which has such a body, the
Central Works Committee (Blanc Aéro Industries and Former), the Group
Committee and the European Committee of LISI.
Furthermore, specific committees made up of representatives of the
employees and members of the Management meet regularly to hold
discussionsandmakeprogressonvarious issuesforwhichtheywereset
up, in the following areas:
Gender equality;
Health insurance fund;
Code of Conduct
In 2018, LISI created its anti-corruption code of conduct, which it applies
in all sites, both in France and abroad.
The LISI AUTOMOTIVE division has shown its strong commitment in this
NGO and the Group as well as LISI’s anti-corruption code of conduct. It
and customers, respect for individuals and health, safety and the
Developing Employee’s Skills and
Maintaining Their Employability
LISI has made skills development one of the major areas of focus of its
HumanResourcespolicy.Itenables itsstafftoremainatthehighestskills
level, on a market subject to rapid technological changes and strong
competition. LISI ensures that all employees, regardless of their age or
position, have access throughout their career to the training courses
necessary for the construction of their career path and their adaptation
to changes in the businesses. In 2018, more than 221,000 training hours
were provided. Thus, training investment in 2018 for all of the Group’s
companies worldwide amounted tomore than €8 million (2%of payroll).
Adapting Training To Employee Profiles
In response to the specific nature of these businesses, the LISI Group is
developing more and more internal training schools. When recruiting
The candidates hired will subsequently benefit from internal training to
and in Torrance in theUnited States. At the Puiseux site, the creation and
launch of a machining training school in partnership with AFORP (CQPM
Tool & Die Maker 609 hrs over a 14-month period) started in October 2018
following several months spent preparing and looking for the rights
profiles (in partnership with the Pôle Emploi [national job search
organization] and the GIM [metalworking industry group]).