In 2018, LISI:
Updated its Purchasing Policy, intended for all LISI employees working
in purchasing, reinforcing the importance of considering the CSR
position when choosing suppliers and the need for compliance with
LISI’s anti-corruption code of conduct;
them of their corporate responsibility and LISI’s consideration of the
CSR position when choosing partners;
Included a Responsible Purchasing section in the CSR strategy.
Nevertheless, today LISI wants to take this even further by integrating
CSR criteria into its supplier audits.
Thus, in the forthcoming years, the Group wishes to remind its suppliers
of how important CSR is to LISI.
One of the essential steps is to identify “at risk” suppliers.
For 2019, LISI has decided to introduce the tools required tomeasure the
for our company. This will allow us to work, as a priority, with suppliers
who are most at risk and to create an audit system monitoring CSR
criteria. This measure will support the measure already in place in
particular in the Quality Department.
Product Safety And Security
LISI and its divisions work as an industrial subcontractor. In this respect,
products: our customers are responsible for designing.
Nevertheless, the different activities are subject to a high number of
audits to verify the processes, the production process and product
Management of the quality of the products is the responsibility of the
divisions which each have their own policy, management system and
LISI AEROSPACE is certified to EN 9100, required by our customers in
the aerospace industry.
LISI AUTOMOTIVE is certified to ISO/TS 16949, required by our
customers in the automotive industry.
LISI MEDICAL is certified to ISO 13485, required by our customers in the
medical industry.
Moreover, our entities are often the subject of targeted audits by our
customers to ensure compliance with procedures that they have
Anti-Corruption Efforts
General Policy Adopted By LISI
To Prevent And Fight Corruption
The LISI Group has built its growth on compliance with laws and best
practices.Throughthevaluesthat itdefendsbydeveloping itsCSRpolicy
and itsmembershipoftheGlobalCompact,theGroup iscommittedtothe
fight against corruption in all its forms. The LISI Group places a high
importance on behaving in a flawless manner with its stakeholders. In
order to guarantee this commitment, since 2017 the Group has been
intensifying its actions guided by the legislation established by the Sapin
II Law.
Work Carried Out In 2018
Summary of the status of the action plan at end-2017:
In 2017, LISI deployed an action plan steered by the Group’s legal, human
resources and internal audit teams.
At the end of 2017, the Group had launched the following actions to be
continued in 2018:
Drafting of its anti-corruption code of conduct;
Creation of the Compliance Committee;
Launch of the development of its alert system;
Start of the process of identifying the risk linked to corruption;
Consideration of the trainingmodels to roll out.
Deployment Of The Anti-Corruption Code
Of Conduct
The anti-corruption code of conduct
was deployed gradually in 2018:
after consulting the Employee Representative Bodies, it was made
available online on the LISI website and is applicable from April 1, 2018 in
the French entities. Gradually throughout the year, it was translated into
eight languages for deployment in the other regions in which LISI is
present. The Automotive division drafted its own code of conduct
covering areas extending far beyond that of corruption.
LISI’s anti-corruption code of conduct is intended for corporate officers,
members of the executive and management committees, and all LISI
Group employees. It sets forth the principles that each employee of the
must continue to refer. Any person acting on behalf of LISI is required to
comply with this code of conduct, regardless of the place and nature of
his/herwork.TheLISIGroup iscommittedtoensuringthatall itspartners
share the same values.