LISI is a member of the Global Compact Program
Description of the program:
TheGlobal Compact is aUnitedNations initiative launched in 2000 aimed
at encouraging businesses worldwide to adopt a socially responsible
attitude by committing to uphold and promote a number of principles
relating to Human Rights, international labor standards, and anti-
corruption. Although it ismainly aimed at the corporateworld, the Global
Compact also encourages participation by civil society, labor groups,
governments, UN agencies, universities and any other organization.
The signature of the Global Compact is a voluntary initiative by the
company.Membercompaniesundertaketo improveeveryyear ineachof
report called Communication on Progress (COP) explaining the progress
LISI’s commitment:
LISI has formalized its long-standing commitment to sustainable
development by joining the Global Compact, and by upholding its ten
Human Rights
LISI has undertaken to:
−− Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed
Human Rights;
−− Make sure that it is not accomplice of human right violations.
International labor standards
LISI has undertaken to:
−− Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of
the right to collective bargaining;
−− Contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory
−− Contribute to the effective abolition of child labor;
−− Contribute to the elimination of discrimination in respect of
employment and occupation.
LISI has undertaken to:
−− Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
−− Undertakeinitiativestopromotegreaterenvironmentalresponsibility;
−− Encouragethedevelopmentanddiffusionofenvironmentallyfriendly
LISI has undertaken to:
−− Fight corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
LISI Group Values
ACompany’s values have a cultural influence on its behavior aswell as its
decisions and strategies.
LISI decided to formally set out its values in order to share themwith its
customers, employees and other partners. These values, which formthe
Group’s identity, are based on the following key words:
LISI, which has remained a family-owned company for more than
200 years, has always looked to move with the times. Today, we are
committed to continuing thework of the generations of men andwomen
who have made LISI into the international, sustainable and successful
company it istoday.Awareofour impactonsocietyandtheenvironment,
weprioritizethe longtermandseektoreduceourenvironmentalfootprint
on our sites in line with our strategic development plan.
Integrity and transparency:
Weactwithhonesty,consciousnessandsincerityand incompliancewith
regulations in all that we do.
We expect our employees and partners to act in an exemplary fashion.
We create transparent and lasting relationships with our customers and
suppliers, regularly informing themof our commitments and results.
We anticipate the changes and risks associated with our businesses in
order to propose the best solutions to our stakeholders. Innovation
thrives off technology and creativity. We create products and services
thatareenvironment-friendlyandtake intoaccounttheirentire lifecycle.
Industrial excellence and pragmatism:
and of good quality, to meet the highest standards and excellence
expected by our
stakeholders.Wecontinuallymeasure our performance
andareconstantly lookingathowwecan improve.Thesatisfactionofour
customers is the main way of guaranteeing our sustainability. We are
individually and collectively fully committed and involved, have a positive
attitude and take pride in good quality work. Our actions aim to be
practical and concise.
People at the heart of our development:
The talents of the men and women who work for LISI are our most
important capital and we therefore ensure that we promote and develop
their skills. We look after their health, safety andwell-being andwe apply
a policy of non-discrimination and diversity at all stages of the human
resources management process.