employee. Since 2015, training dedicated to the advanced LEAP tools
(LEAP Intermediate, LEAP Advanced, LEAP Manager, Experience plan,
Advanced statistics) have been organized as part of the LKI business
university offering, ensuring that learners from all LISI Group divisions
aremixed together.
In 2018, as in 2017, LISI continued the implementation of its major LISI
ExcellenceHSEtool,theSafetyCultureProgram(SCP),atall itssites.The
accidents by providingmanagerswith the keys to understand hazardous
behaviors and giving them the levers to correct them. This program also
aims to develop a Safety Culture among employees through the
deployment of a structured and regular communication campaign.
Thanks to a shared culture of prudence, encouraging each employee to
make his/her working environment more safe, our sites have recorded
improvement in terms of safety.
Maintaining Employee Satisfaction
Committing to quality of life at work and improving working conditions
improvesemployeesatisfaction.This isamajorfocusforretainingtalent
and to ensure that each person gives their very best to their work.
Providing A Pleasant Working Environment
For several years the LISI Group has ensured that sites launch a
lifeatwork,creating improvementactionplansand
deploying them.
In 2018, the LISI AEROSPACE sites and LISI AUTOMOTIVE’s foreign sites
launched this survey. With respect to LISI AUTOMOTIVE’S French sites,
the surveys will be conducted in 2019 however action plans to help
improve the wellbeing of employees resulting from the 2017 surveys are
still in progress.
Recognizing long-servicemedals, professional careers and diplomas.
Presence of a social service assistant in the company once a month
fromSeptember 2018.
Study of all requests for part-time work or change in working hours.
A number of these actions are also conducted abroad such as at the
Fuenlabrada site in Spain which strives to create a balance between
family life and work life by adapting working shift hours if possible.
In terms of hygiene, the sites are also working to make the work
site, significant enhancements were made in 2018 concerning the
reduction of fumes, the loss of oil from machines and to improve the
Preventing Risks Linked To Employees’ Physical
And Mental Health
In 2018, the LISI Groupmonitored the health of its employees through the
following actions:
Heating at the start of shift for employees who want it at the sites at
Villefranche de Rouergue, Marmande and La Ferté;
Vaccination campaign: Izmir, Marmande, Fuenlabrada;
Health check-ups at Gummersbach, and at all American sites (Jeropa,
City of Industry, Torrance and Minneapolis);
On-site osteopath at Neyron and Monterey and massages at
Continuation of Netwing processes at Dasle and Melisey with the
support of a physiotherapist;
To fight against addiction, LISI AUTOMOTIVE France has introduced
“zeroalcohol”measures intothe internalrules“atrisk”workstationsand
has introduced anti-drug saliva testing. The Materials Preparation site
at Grandvillars has implemented an action to support employees
wishing to stop smoking with the help of a doctor specializing in
Regular information is provided to employees on good practices for a
healthy lifestyle (German and US plants);
In 2018, the LISI AEROSPACE head office introduced a fruit basket
at Heidelberg.
In France, employees of the LISI Group benefit from the services of
Réhalto, in order
to prevent any psychosocial risks,
regardless of their
origin, work-related or personal.
This listeningandsupportplatform,composedofpsychologistsavailable
24/7, allows any employee of the Group to obtain the assistance of a
qualified professional to overcome their problems and find a solution to
their difficulties, be they of a personal, professional, family or addiction-
related nature.
A simple phone call, on a totally confidential basis, puts the employee in
able toprovide a diagnosis. Theemployee canbenefit fromup to 12hours
of paid consultations.
TheRugby site alsooffers this type of support to help fight psychological
ofworkstations,relocationofmachines inordertoreducetheriskofMSD
and to take on board, or maintain in employment, employees with major
impaired skills or with disabilities.
Developing Communication And Exchanges
The Group hopes to develop actions to communicate the company’s
results and projects and to create opportunities for exchanges in order
to improve employee satisfaction.
The orientations and strategies of each division are shared with
employees at sitemeetings.
Regular meetings are also held during the year such as at Villefranche de
Rouergue or Bar sur Aube.
At the Puiseux site, the launch of a plant project in 2018, with the aim of
developing the culture of standards and improving quality results also
providedanopportunitytocreatemultidisciplinaryworkinggroups inthe
and everyday concerns of employees. These multidisciplinary working
solutions to these concerns.