Social aspect: note the acquisition of assets of the Hi-Vol Products
Company (131 employees) in Livonia, USA and the sale of the Beteo
company (51 employees) in Gummersbach, Germany on December 31,
The other indicators will fall within LISI’s scope excluding the Hi-Vol
Products and with the Beteo Company.
With respect to the environment, the reporting scope does not include
and is therefore not consolidated in the 2018 data.
For the Health – Safety – Environment issues, the reporting scope does
is recent.
Termax, a recently acquired company, is not included in the Health –
Safety – Environment reporting scope.
The differences between the data published for financial year 2017 and
the 2017 data published for comparative purposes for 2018 are due to
corrections made to the 2017 data, which were at the time measured for
certain sites and indicators.
on LISI’s commitment to the Global Compact.
The fight against corruption is dealt with in a paragraph entitled
“Identification of the level of risk linked to corruption”.
The fight against climate change mainly takes the form of reducing
energy consumption but also adapting to climate change can be
of transport (see electric cars).
The circular economy is dealt with in the paragraph on waste and its
recyclability in particular.
The collective agreements and their impacts are listed in the HR section,
aswell as the fight against discrimination and the promotion of diversity.
Given the nature of our activity, we believe that the following issues (food
waste, fight against animal precariousness, respect for animal welfare,
responsible, fair and sustainable food choices) do not form part of our
main CSR risks and thus do not warrant mentioning in this annual report.
With regard to Anti-Corruption, only the Hi-Vol site, LISI’s latest
acquisition, is not includedwith respect to 2018. It is also to be noted that
the code of conduct is still pending validation by the Employee
Representative Bodies for one site within the LISI AUTOMOTIVE division
in Germany.
Given the late publication of the laws (October 23 and 30, 2018) we have
present a significant risk, they will be dealt with during the subsequent
financial year.