Sustainable development is often linked to ecological issues, however
the economic and corporate aspects are just as important.
It is important to consider sustainable development as a systemic
process. It is a process of continuous improvement which is transparent
and voluntary, and takes into account complexity and the long term in
order to chart a path for the future.
LISI isoneofthe leadingglobalmanufacturersof industrialfastenersand
assembly and structural components.
century, itsdevelopment
which combines internal and external growth, its international presence
in 13 countries (in Europe, North America and Asia) and the family and
public nature of its capital structure, are all testament to the Group’s
commitment to a long-term vision for its development.
Within its organization and managerial culture, the Group prioritizes a
significant level of autonomous management in its three operational
divisions, which define their own strategic direction prior to LISI
validating, monitoring and consolidating them.
LISIAEROSPACE isamajorplayer intheglobalAerospaceSupplyChain.
The division supplies high-tech fasteners and components to its main
customers, which are manufacturers of aircraft, engines and
equipment, basing its development on operational excellence and
LISI AUTOMOTIVE is a partner to OEMs and equipment manufacturers
safety components to meet the assembly requirements for all vehicle
parts and systems.
LISI MEDICAL is an international subcontractor specializing in the
players in themedical industry.
The areas concerning CSR are implicit but well integrated into the
strategicvisionsofthedivisions.LISIholdsdearthe ideasofpartnership,
trust and sustainable development in particular.
LISI’s longevity shows that the Group has successfully adapted to social,
corporate and environmental changes. Consideration of sustainable
development is in its DNA.
However, in today’s world, rigor and a methodical approach are required
to respond to problems which are constantly changing.
LISI has therefore created a methodical program (based on ISO 26000)
with a view to continuing to adapt to society and the economic world and
to better understand the impacts that its decisions might have.
By means of this approach, LISI hopes to:
Gain a better understanding of the non-financial risks which include
health and safety, the environment, image, and human resources, for
Engage collectively and individually in a process of continuous
Create value for the LISI Group, its suppliers and customers; promote
best practices and have a positive economic, social and environmental
Develop in a sustainable manner with its partners while respecting
people and cultures.
Remain pragmatic by adopting realistic solutions which are tailored to
LISI’s values and size.
Due diligence:
The law on due diligence of companies requires them to:
Create and implement a vigilance plan;
Identify and prevent serious abuses of human rights and fundamental
freedoms, health and safety of people and the environment;
Publish a vigilance plan from financial year 2017 and a report from
financial year 2018 included in themanagement report.
Five due diligencemeasures must be implemented:
1. a risk mapping;
2. regular evaluation procedures;
3. mitigation actions;
4. an alert and alert collection system;
5. a systemformonitoring themeasures implemented and for evaluating
their effectiveness.
The LISI Group has created a methodological approach to comply with
this law.
All of the measures relating to this system are detailed in Chapter 6
- CSR.