Helping employees adapt to changes
in the working environment towards digital
transformation and new developments
in the businesses
The working environment is changing faster and faster due to progress
in the automation and robotization of production tools.
It is important that employees are supported when there are changes in
their workstations and environment.
The role of managers is extremely
important with regard to providing the best support to the teams.
TheManagementtrainingprogramforsupervisors,whichstarted in2017,
an HSE aspect, the aims of which are to ensuremanagers:
Are aware of their HSE duties as a manager.
Learn best practices for “at risk” situations.
Learn how to observe and identify situations that could lead to a work
Moreover, in 2018 LISI launched its Learning Management System
allowing it to offer e-learning training. As a result, training courses
concerning the code of conduct and performance reviews have been
deployed on a very large scale.
Focus on the Rugby site
Supervisors have completed the “Management and Involvement in
the plant 4.0” training. The objective: understand their role as a
contribution of every person.
Another innovation involves making tablets available at workstations:
workvideos,presentationsand instructionssothattheskillsrequiredfor
workstations can be learned in a digital and interactivemanner.
Increase its flexibility by versatility
Aswith all companies, LISI faces periods of movement, and newsources
of growth must be found to preserve their share of the market. It is
therefore vital for the company to be able to reinvent itself, and this is
the company to achieve its objectives and benefit froma large degree of
flexibility among employees. With respect to employees, thanks to
versatility, they have the
possibility to develop new professional
and the opportunity to learn new practices.
The plants in Great Britain and the United States strongly favor cross
training which allows employees to develop their versatility and
on themapping of the businesses and on skills charts.
In 2018, LISI AUTOMOTIVE France overhauled career paths, launched the
“wire drawing and tapping” career path and in particular validated an
intermediate level recognizing versatility for several types of stamping
In 2018, close to 6,000 hours were spent on these career paths and 26
CQPM/CQPI were obtained:
Ten stampers (four in Delle, four in Dasle, two in Melisey) obtained
“Operator of cold-stampingmachine
” certification (CQPM);
Two stampers at La Ferté-Fresnel plant obtained
the “Operator of
Industrial Equipment” certification (
CQPI), endorsing their career as
stamper specialized in “Twolock screws”;
Twomachinists(one inDasleandone inMelisey)obtained
– Controller of High-Precision Digital Machine-Tool
” certification
Two operators at La Ferté Fresnel obtained the “Operator -
Equipment” certification (CQPI), and
five operators (two at Delle and
three at Melisey) obtained the “Autonomous Team
Member in Industrial
Production” certification (CQPM
), endorsing their career in “Sorting/
Six employees at the Saint-Florent plant obtained the “Autonomous
TeamCoordinator inProduction”certification(CQPM
Dasle obtained the “Automated Production Pilot” certification (CQPM).
LKI University
The company university, LISI Knowledge
strategy but also as a major tool for the
retention of talents and the attraction of
candidateswith strong potential:
customized training programs in the following Fields: Technique/
Businesses, Personal Development, Management & Leadership, to
maintain and enhance skills and support change;
Sharing a global vision, a commonmanagerial culture.
Exchanging experiences and good practices across the board: multi-
sites, multi-countries, multi-businesses, multi-divisions.
Key figures 2018:
128 training sessions organized.
1,014 interns and 634 employees.
and logisticsmanagementprocessestoanexternalpartner.Theaimwas
and capitalize on the development of this business university.
In 2018, the partner managed 16,000 hours’ training.
The LEAP And SCP Training Programs
To Attain Excellence
Since 2011, LISI has undertaken an extensive training program on the