In addition, French employees have the right to invest in the company
through an employee savings plan and, in this way, become a LISI
shareholder. An attractive matching contribution from the employer
goes together with this Group Savings Plan. 17% of French employees
are LISI shareholders.
In France, the LISI Group employees receive a supplementary defined
contribution pension scheme (the so-called “Article 83”).
The employer pays a monthly fee on a mutual fund open to employees
to enable them to build up retirement savings. Employees may make
voluntary payments or allocate days off to increase the amount of
these savings. Upon retirement, the resulting savings are converted
into an annuity. Employees then receive additional income throughout
their retirement.
Making talented people involved and loyal is a major challenge for
the LISI Group. As such, executives or holders of key positions in
the organization receive a share award program conditional on the
medium-term performance of the Company. This method of variable
remuneration enables them to partner closely with the Company’s
performance results over several years.
Organization of working time
The work of production staff, in France and abroad, is most frequently
organized in two or three daily shifts. Depending on the site, substitution
teams are likely to be implemented on weekend days. Furthermore,
nightshift working was carried out in certain sectors in order to respond
to specific workload requirements.
Overtime accounted for more than 798,667 hours in 2016, or 4.5% of
hours worked.
Quality of life at work and absenteeism
The LISI Group considers that the health and safety of persons is one
of its major responsibilities.
Hence, quality of life at work is one of them. For this reason, each year,
a survey on the quality of life at work.
The results of the survey are analyzed and enable working groups to
be organized on the topics that emerge and to establish improvement
action plans by site.
2016 was a year also marked by
the fitting out of new working areas
relocation or enlargement of our sites. These investments made it
possible to work on improving working conditions for the staff.
In response to staff’s expectations
, the Heidelberg site in Germany
held information workshops on blood pressure and days to raise
awareness of and for the prevention of back problems at work. The
Mellrichstadt site in Germany started a new initiative on massages at
the workstation. The Bar sur Aube site in France launched a fitness
program in an exercise room to work on the right gestures and
postures for Forging occupations. On the Dasle site in France, a doctor
of physiotherapy provides support for volunteer employees who have
back and tendinitis problems.
In France, the employees of the LISI Group benefit from the services of
the Réhalto firm
in order to
prevent any worsening
of psychosocial
, regardless of their origin, work-related or personal.
This listening and support platform, composed of psychologists
available 24/7, allows any employee of the Group to obtain the
assistance of a qualified professional to overcome their problems and
find a solution to their difficulties, be they of a personal, professional,
family or addiction-related nature.
A simple phone call, on a totally confidential basis, puts the employee
in touch with a psychosocial health worker in his/ her region, who is
therefore able to provide
diagnosis. The employee can benefit from
up to 12 hours of paid consultations.
In 2016, the absenteeism rate was 3.8%: 3.7% for LISI AEROSPACE,
3.8% for LISI MEDICAL and 3.9% for LISI AUTOMOTIVE.
Various measures are taken at the divisions to reduce the number of
hours lost: in most units, incentive agreements include an absenteeism
on the majority of sites, interviews are conducted on the employee’s
return to identify the levers of progress that will help prevent further
absences (e.g.: work on ergonomics, gestures and posture training,
adaptation of team schedules);
communication actions are put in place to educate staff on the
impact of unanticipated absences on production cycles.
The organization of social dialogue, particularly the
staff information, consultation and negotiation procedures
In addition to strict compliance with applicable law, the Group pays
attention to social dialogue with the employees’ representatives,
altogether during meetings of the works committee (or the single
employees’ delegation) on each of the sites which has such a body,
the Central Works Committee (Blanc Aéro Industries and Former), the
European Committee and the Group Committee of LISI.
Corporate social responsibility