General information regarding the company |
5 |
Name and title of the person in charge of the annual report and statutory auditors |
6 |
Information policy |
6 |
Functional organization chart |
7 |
Legal organization chart |
8 |
Key figures |
10 |
Information about the issuer |
10 |
Financial situation |
15 |
Overview of the main activities |
16 |
Group activity for the financial year and outlook for the coming year |
21 |
Consolidated financial statements |
29 |
Financial Statements |
30 |
Notes |
35 |
Company financial statements |
71 |
Company activity for the financial year and outlook for the coming year |
72 |
Financial statements |
74 |
Notes to the company financial statements |
77 |
Financial results for LISI S.A. over the past five years |
85 |
Risk factors |
87 |
Risk management |
88 |
Information on issuer risks |
88 |
Insurance policy |
91 |
Corporate social responsibility |
93 |
Labor-related issues |
94 |
Environmental issues |
100 |
Society-related issues |
102 |
Table of HSE indicators |
104 |
Correlation table |
106 |
Information regarding the company and corporate governance |
109 |
Company information |
110 |
Corporate governance |
115 |
Company's internal control |
139 |
Documents specific to the shareholders general meeting |
141 |
Report by the Chairman of the Board of Directors |
142 |
Auditors' report prepared in accordance with Article L. 225-235 of the French Commercial Code, on the Chairman of the LISI Board's report - Financial year ended December 31, 2016 |
146 |
Auditors' special report on regulated conventions and commitments - Financial year ended December 31, 2016 |
147 |
Auditors' report on the consolidated financial statements - Financial year ended December 31, 2016 |
148 |
Auditors' report on the company financial statements - Financial year ended December 31, 2016 |
149 |
Draft resolutions |
152 |