The key role of LISI S.A., the parent company of the LISI Group, is
to oversee projects of general interest and co-ordinate Company
activity. More specifically, LISI manages the following services for its
strategic plan validation, external growth procedure, action plans,
resource allocation;
outlining strategy in an annual budget plan;
financial control and internal audit (stemming from the COS
financial and fiscal consolidation;
financial optimization, centralized cash management for the Group,
management of investments and financial liabilities, hedging of
foreign currencies and interest rates;
insurance coordination, procurement, quality, research and
general policy and audit on health, safety and environment; (E-HSE),
human resources and CAPEX as well as industrial progress plans
management of strategic projects and implementation of the
Earnings at December 31, 2016
The remarks below relate to the income statement for 2016.
In 2016, operating income amounted to €10.6 million, compared
with €10.5 million in 2015 and was broken down as follows:
The sales revenues of
LISI S.A. amounted to €9.4 million
compared with €8.5 million in 2015, an increase of 10.7%. They
are essentially made up of services invoiced to the subsidiaries
of LISI S.A. in respect of assistance, control and coordination
of activities. These invoices pass on the operating expenses of
LISI S.A. to the subsidiaries in 2016, with a 10% margin.
The other operating income
amounted to €1.3 million in 2016,
compared with €2.1 million in 2015. This item mainly consists of:
a provision reversal of €0.8 million on the performance share
allocation plans for 2013, for which the shares were vested by
the employees in 2016;
a provision reversal for expenses of €0.1 million;
specific charge-backs to subsidiaries in the amount of
€0.3 million.
Operating expenses
amounted to €10.1 million in 2016, an
increase of 24.4% compared to 2015. This mainly stems from:
operating expenses in 2015 reduced following unused
reversals of bills receivable;
additional expenses in 2016 concerning group projects in the
areas of human resources, legal, E-HSE, COS (Controlling
COS: Controlling Operating System.
Operating System) and LEAP (LISI Excellence Achievement
payment of contractual compensation on retirement to
the Group Industrial Director and the Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer in 2016;
a provision set up with respect to financial year 2016 for the
future relocation of the LISI S.A. head office.
Furthermore, following verification of the rebillings and the
increase in expenses,
the operating profit fell
from €2.4 million
in 2015 to +€0.5 million in 2016, i.e. a drop of €1.9 million.
The financial result
(income) is positive at €33.4 million,
compared to €16.0 million in 2015. It is explained by:
Revenues consisting primarily
of dividends received from
LISI AEROSPACE for €22.0 million, interest on Group current
accounts for €4.3 million and net capital gains on investments
for €0.7 million.
Interest expenses
made up of interest on borrowings and
group current accounts in the amount of –€6.8 million.
The foreign exchange gain
was €13.8 million in 2016 against
a loss of €3 million in 2015. This is due to the currency
fluctuations on an investment and on the current accounts of
foreign subsidiaries.
Non operating profit
(loss) amounted to –€0.1 million for the
year 2016.
Corporate income tax
comprises a tax expense of –€0.8 million,
including a gain from the Group taxation regime of €3.5 million
for 2016.
Consequently, LISI S
.A.’s net profit was €33.0 million, as
compared with €30.0 million in 2015, i.e. up 9.9%.
Shareholders’ equity increased
from €208.8 million in 2015
to €221.2 million at the end of 2016. It was reduced by the
distribution of the dividends paid in May 2016, for an amount of
–€20,6 million in respect of the 2015 profit and increased by the
year’s net earnings of €33 million.
Cash and cash equivalents, excluding current accounts, at year
amounted to €101.3 million compared with €75.9 million in
2015: this balance sheet item is made up of monetary SICAV
instruments and guaranteed-capital investments denominated
in EUR and USD.
Net financial debt stood at
–€16.8 million at year-end 2016, as
compared with –€43.8 million at year-end 2015.