In accordance with the provisions of Article L.225-37 of the French
Commercial Code and the recommendations of the French financial
market authority (AMF), this report sets out the composition of the
Board and the principle of equal representation of men and women,
the conditions governing the preparation and organization of the Board
of Directors’ work, limitations to the Chief Executive Officer’s power,
the principles and rules governing the setting of the remuneration and
benefits in kind granted to the corporate officers as well as internal
audit procedures implemented within the Group.
LISI refers to the corporate governance code for listed companies of
the AFEP-MEDEF in its June 2013 version, available on the MEDEF
(www.medef.com). Such membership has been confirmed
by the Board of Directors.
In order not to overload this report, the invariant part of the elements
referred to in Article L.225-37 of the French Commercial Code relating
to corporate governance and internal audit is described in Chapter 7
of the Annual Report filed with the AMF. Such Chapter 7 sets out the
principles, the statutory provisions, those of the internal rules of the
Board and committee charters that define the tasks, composition and
rules of operation of the Board and its specialist committees.
This report describes the changes and events that occurred during
the 2016 financial year that are subject to the legal provisions
mentioned above.
This report was submitted to, and approved by, the Board of Directors
on February 21, 2017.
The Board of Directors defines the Company’s strategy and business
policies and ensures that they are followed. The Board of Directors also
carries out any audits or checks that it deems necessary.
Four special committees were set up within the LISI Board of
Directors: the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee, the
Strategic Committee as well as the Nominations Committee – the
first three tasked with supervising the work carried out by the Senior
Management in each of the three areas. Each committee will submit a
report on their work to the Board of Directors. The role and composition
of these Committees are described in Chapter 7 of the Annual Report
on Governance of the Company.
The Board of Directors represents the shareholders of the Company;
its composition aims to comply with the various balances of interests.
The members were chosen for their skills and knowledge of the various
markets in which the Group operates.
Since the Shareholders’ General Meeting of April 23, 2014, the Board
of Directors has comprised 13 members, 9 of whom belong to the
majority family groups, and 3 of whom are independent under the
terms of the AFEP-MEDEF Code (of corporate governance). The final
member, having been a director of the Company for more than 12 years
in 2014, can no longer be deemed independent.
Hence, the Board is currently comprised of 4 women and 9 men, the
proportion of women Board members is 31% without any change from
the previous year.
A Vice-Chairman, acting as Senior Director, was appointed at the Board
meeting of February 17, 2016. The Vice-Chairman’s role is to assist
the Chairman in corporate governance issues and liaise between the
Company’s senior management and the independent directors. The
Vice-Chairman, who was chosen among the independent directors,
is Lise Nobre.
To comply with Act No. 2011-103 called the “Copé-Zimmermann”
Act, the Company decided to submit the nomination of a new female
director to the vote of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2017
ruling on the 2016 financial statements. In the event of a vote in favor,
the Board will then comprise 5 women and 9 men, i.e. 36% of female
The Company intends to continue this “feminization” of its Board; in
this way, at the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2018 ruling on the
financial statements of 2017, on expiry of the term of office of one of
its directors, a further female nominee will be presented for director.
In the event of a vote in favor, the Board will then comprise 6 women
and 8 men, i.e. 43% of female directors.
Operating procedures for the financial year
In respect of the financial year 2016, the Board met five times, with a
member attendance rate of 96%.
At the meeting of February 17, 2016, during which the non-
executive directors were able to meet in the absence of executive
directors, the Board signed off on the LISI Group’s separate and
consolidated financial statements. It set the amount of the bonuses
Documents specific to the Shareholders General Meeting