LISI 2015
Evolution of TF0 and TF1 since 2007
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
30% improvement in 5 years
The implementation of a culture of safety and of risk
management is a long term strategy. LISI is improving its
results on these points. In 2015, however, the work accident
frequency rate with stoppage (TF0) that involved an LISI
employee or a temp, has worsened compared to 2014 (+ 5%).
This increase is due in part to the change in the group’s scope
and the integration of the Manoir Aerospace sites. The overall
trend, over the last years, nevertheless remains very positive.
The accident frequency rate with and without stoppage (TF1),
which reached 14.4 in 2015, has improved by 30% compared to
2010 (and by 56% compared to 2007). Over the last 12 months,
at some sites, like Monterrey, Č
, Shanghai, or Tangiers, there
have been no work-related accidents, with or without stoppage.
These results demonstrate the interest in undertaking the
effort over the long term, involving all the employees.
Tools for
each of the Group’s plants
The deployment of the LISI E-HSE program includes
facilitator and support tools for each LISI factory in
the world. These means of action have been designed
by the Group’s HSE experts in order to allow each of
them to approach these subjects in a concrete and
participatory manner. At each site, a kick-off day
allows the Management Committee to define its
own roadmap based on its needs and its resources. In
February 2016, fifteen factories had already carried out
this “kickoff” by deploying several key elements of the
Safety Culture Program (SCP ) to develop the culture
of “safety”
: Accident Cause Analysis (5 subjects /
18 modules). Thematic Working Groups with videos
produced and shot in house with the HSE teams.
Training Venues :
each new employee or temp is aware
of risk control through interactive tools.
HSE Visual Management:
Observation grids for
workstations make the dangers visible and
strengthen prevention.