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The HSE Steering Committee

This committee is made up of two representatives of the Senior

Management of LISI, the Group HSE Manager, HSE Managers from

each division, and the insurance broker.

Every quarter, this HSE Steering Committee defines and monitors the

Group’s HSE strategy and checks on the progress of strategic actions

in this field.

The CEO of LISI and the CEOs of the divisions of the Group take part in

the September Steering Committee.



The Steering Committee of the LISI Excellence HSE


The mission of this Steering Committee is to chart out and approve

the direction of the LISI Excellence HSE program. This highly

operational committee defines the tools to be deployed to meet the

HSE targets set out by Senior Management. Following this Steering

Committee, a program containing details of the working groups is

defined and approved by Senior Management.



HSE Experts

HSE Experts meet every month to take stock of the progress of the

program that the Steering Committee has defined in order to identify

any difficulties encountered and decide on how to overcome them.




Keen to attain Operational Excellence in this field, the LISI Group has

determined ambitious targets for 2020.

It is not LISI’s intention to limit itself solely to the requirements of

the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards. It has defined increasing

levels of requirements - “Bronze”, “Silver”, “Gold”. Thus each site of

the group must comply with a number of requirements of the “Bronze”

level of its LISI Excellence HSE program.



Health-Safety objectives

Furthermore, in the field of Health and Safety at work, LISI has set

as target that each site should have an accident rate of less than

eight workplace accidents per million of hours worked (whether

with or without lost time and whether they involve LISI employees or

temporary workers working for it).

To achieve this, LISI has set two other targets which will contribute to

reducing the accident rate.

First of all, LISI’s intention is to secure its working equipment, by

working on the compliance of its machines, in particular those that

are the most hazardous.

LISI has defined as target that 100% of machines identified as the

most hazardous should be 100% compliant.

The safety of persons working for LISI or under its control also

requires the development of a safety culture on a everyday basis.

LISI has thus developed its own safe behaviour development

program: SCP (Safety Culture Program). The first step consists in

training sessions for all managers of the Group so that they can

conduct the 18 training modules of the SCP program. Secondly,

during 15-minute sessions, these same managers will systematically

reiterate the prevention messages aimed at improving the safe

behaviour of each and every one. LISI aims at rolling out all the

modules to all employees of the Group by 2020.



Environmental objectives

Concerned about the impact of its activities on climate change, LISI

wishes to develop and implement an energy management system in

order to reduce its energy and carbon footprints.

Furthermore, LISI carried out an analysis of its environmental

impacts in 2017, following which the Group wishes to reduce its most

significant impacts by 2020.

Targets and measurable indicators will be established in the course

of 2018.