LISI 2015
* LISI Excellence Achievement Program.
The LEAP* Program - “LISI Excellence Achievement Program” - is
an ambitious plan for continuous improvement, which aims to
encourage operational excellence in each of the businesses of the
company. After the implementation of the basic tools in all the
group’s units (factories and support services), LISI is undertaking the
second phase of the plan with LEAP Advanced. This new step should
allow for optimizing all the flow operations, from the production line
to the maintenance, through inventory management.
LEAP Advanced
After the requirement
in efficiency
The first phase of the LEAP* programhas made it possible to successfully develop
the use of the basic tools of operational improvement in all of the group’s plants
and support services. On 22 sites evaluated in 2015, 10 have now reached their
level of maturity. The actual deployment of the second phase, initiated in 2015,
was marked by the launch of the first projects related to the LEAP* Advanced
instruments. These first elements concerned, among other things, the Value
Stream Mapping (VSM), which allows the analysis of all of the actions required
to bring a product from its initial state to its final state, the management and
optimization of pull flow, or even the process improvement method 6 Sigma.
A better inventory control
These performance control instruments are already bearing fruit inmany plants:
improved production line flow, optimization of inventories, less scrap, reduced
Lead-Time (the time needed between making the request and the moment
when it is fulfilled). The first systems developed from the Kanban production
management method (the lines are only fed with the items that they need to
produce) have already provided better inventory control. Two plants are now
equipped with small trains to accelerate the flow, to be more flexible and more
efficient in the handling, and thus to reduce the Lead-Time. The implementation
of the LEAP* Advanced tools will continue throughout the year 2016.
in the factory