LISI GROUP - Financial report 2012 - page 108

Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental aspects
General environmental policy
The organization of the Company to take into account environmental issues and,
where appropriate, approaches to assessment or environmental certification
§ 2.1.1
Employee training and information in terms of environmental protection
§ 2.1.2
The resources devoted to the prevention of environmental risks and pollution
§ 2.1.3
The amount of provisions and guarantees for environmental risks, provided that
such disclosure is not likely to cause serious harm to the company in an ongoing
§ 2.1.4
Pollution and waste management Measures to prevent, reduce or repair emissions to air, water and soil that seriously
affect the environment
§ 2.2.1
Measures to prevent, recycle, and eliminate waste
§ 2.2.2
Taking into account noise and other forms of pollution specific to an activity
§ 2.2.3
Sustainable use of resources
Water consumption and water supply according to local constraints
§ 2.3.1
The consumption of raw materials and the measures taken to improve the
effectiveness of their use
§ 2.3.2
Energy consumption, measures to improve energy efficiency and use of renewable
§ 2.3.3
Climate Change
Emissions of greenhouse gases
§ 2.4
Society-related issues
Territorial, economic and social
impact of the company's business
In terms of employment and regional development
§ 3.1
On neighboring and local populations
§ 3.1
Relationships with persons or
organizations interested in the
company's business
The conditions for dialogue with those persons and organizations
§ 3.2.1
Partnership and sponsorship activities
§ 3.2.2
Subcontractors and suppliers
The consideration, in the company's purchasing policy, of social and environmental
§ 3.3
The importance of outsourcing and consideration in relationships with suppliers and
subcontractors for their social and environmental responsibility
§ 3.3
Loyal practice
Actions taken to prevent bribery
§ 3.4.1
Human rights
Actions taken in favor of human rights
§ 3.5
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