LISI GROUP - Financial report 2012 - page 106

Corporate Social Responsibility
(Association of Manufacturers of Mechanical Fasteners) and
DSV (Deutsche Schraubenverband) for LISI AUTOMOTIVE and
SNITEM (National Union of the Industry of Medical Technology)
LISI is also regularly involved in networks to help 2
and 3
level suppliers develop by sharing best practices in terms of
industrial excellence, as is the case, for example, with the
Vehicle of the Future Segment (segment of excellence in the
automotive industry) or the Club of CEOs of the South Territory.
In addition, LISI encourages local partnerships and exchanges,
particularly the development of close relationships with
schools, universities and the top colleges (Engineering,
Management, etc.) in order to anticipate, for each division, the
future requirements in terms of employment and skills.
has thus established the FOREM (one training
session/one job) in partnership with the AFPI, Pôle Emploi (the
French employment agency) and the chamber of commerce.
This approach consists in training operators on a Turner Miller
CQPM, in order for them to secure a job once they are trained
has developed in partnership with AFPI a
specific program for Strikers (Career training, Quiz, etc.).
regularly takes part in various career and
employment fairs (local events, meetings organized at the
initiative of UIMM or National Education in high schools, ...)
so as to introduce the various occupations in the aeronautics
As part of a reflection initiated by the sub-prefecture of
Marmande on the difficulties of local recruitment, LISI
AEROSPACE Creuzet introduced to the companies in the sector,
the professionalization paths implemented which helped to
train 15 operators on machining. Following such experience
feedback, it was decided to launch the same type of action in
the Marmande area, with the financial support of the State as
part of an Operational Preparation for Employment.
Workers will be recruited based on the Simulation Recruitment
Method, deployed by Pôle-Emploi, with prerequisite levels
approved by machining professionals from the partner
3.3 Subcontractors and suppliers
The LISI Group is part of a "win - win" sustainable partnership
with its suppliers and subcontractors to ensure mutual, long-
term success.
Aside from economic considerations (quality, competitiveness
and continuous improvement), the Suppliers Charter
established by the Group dictates the terms of partnership
in accordance with the principles of ISO 14001, which are
addressed during audits for selecting new suppliers.
The approval and implementation of the 10 principles of the
United Nations' "Global Compact" program (Corporate Social
Responsibility principles that include Human Rights, Labor
Standards, Environment and the Fight against Bribery) are also
mentioned in the Suppliers Charter.
The Group's Purchasing Policy includes a section on ethics,
sustainable development and corporate responsibility, with
the application of the "Global Compact" principles and the
requirement for ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification, in
particular for our strategic suppliers.
3.4 Loyal practice
3.4.1 Actions taken to prevent bribery
The LISI Group has built its growth on compliance with laws
and best practices. Each division is responsible vis-à-vis the
Group's Senior Management for the proper performance of its
subsidiaries and employees. Relationships with third parties
are dictated by the Group's scoping procedures, which are
implemented by the Divisions through the dissemination of
division-specific procedures. For example, LISI disseminates
and updates a Purchasing and Supplier Relations procedure,
which specifies for example the limits and authorization
thresholds for donations and gifts.
The Group's employees are trained on business Ethics through
a specific module of the LISI Knowledge Institute. In addition,
the Supplier Charter that complies with the principles set out
in the United Nations' Global Compact program, is widely
distributed to all LISI stakeholders.
3.5 Human Rights
3.5.1 Actions taken in favor of human rights
The LISI Group has joined the Global Compact. The first and
second principles of the Global Compact concerning Human
Rights, namely:
1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of
international law on human rights within their sphere of
influence; and
2. They should ensure that their own corporations are not
accomplices of human right violations.
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