LISI GROUP - Financial report 2012 - page 101

Corporate Social Responsibility
of safety with the work conducted in three areas: technical,
organizational, and human.
In 2012, at constant scope, the number of workplace accidents
with work stoppage that involved an employee (TF0) was
reduced to 8.0 per million hours worked, or 4.6% better than
in 2011, and 13.7 for the number of work accidents with and
without work stoppage (TF1), 12.6% less than in 2011. These
constitute the best results achieved since 2005, when these
statistics were first consolidated for the entire Group.
Certain Group sites have not had any accidents with work
stoppage: City of Industry, Escondido, Gummersbach, Lure,
Saint-Ouen l’Aumône, Vignoux s/ Barangeon. Others have had
no accident at all - either with or without work stoppage -
including Beijing, Casablanca Creuzet, Cejc, Paramount, Tanger.
However, the LISI Group observes 17 occupational diseases
throughout its sites, despite the efforts made in terms of
ergonomics and management of workstations.
The severity rate TG0, which represents the number of days lost
due to an accident per thousand hours worked, was stabilized
at a low level in 2012. Indeed, LISI divided this rate by 4 since
2005 to 0.23 in December 2012.
It is the growing involvement of all employees that today allows
the LISI Group to show an improvement in safety performance.
Each employee plays a major role.
1.5 Training
The Group attaches particular importance to the training of its
employees and considers that the enforcement of employees
skills is amajor factor for the improvement of quality, efficiency
and competitiveness.
LISI ensures that each employee, regardless of his/her age
or position, has access throughout his career to the training
courses necessary for the construction of his career path and
his adaptation to changes in the businesses.
Thus, 5,462 employees benefited from training courses during
2012 (or 61% of the employees of the Group) and more than
274,000 hours of training were completed, or 1.85% of the
total hours worked, which represents a growth rate of 36% in
comparison with 2011.
Purchases of external training totaled € 2,913,705 or 1% of
the Group's total payroll. This figure is an increase of 7.4%
compared to 2011.
LISI actively pursues its contribution to the integration of young
people into the labor market by allowing large numbers of
students to come and discover the business and its activities,
whether through the completion of internships or periods of
During 2012, LISI welcomed 408 interns, 216 apprentices and
63 work experience contracts across all its divisions.
Total hours of training (internal & external)
of which Individual Training Entitlement
Number of employees trained (at least 7 hours of
training over the year)
External training expenses (billing only)
Number of interns recruited in 2012
Number of apprentices recruited in 2012
Number of work experience contracts signed in
By division:
In line with previous years, training in 2012 was mainly focused
on the following areas:
Trade skills
: develop skills in each job, ensuring the transfer of
knowledge and know-how,
Health, Safety and Environment
: fundamentals and
compliance with regulations, develop a culture of risk
prevention, educate managers to psychosocial risks, improve
the ergonomics of workstations,
Quality and continuous improvement
: ensure the level of
quality expected by our customers, deploy the principles of
Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma,
: French / English to facilitate exchanges both
between colleagues and with our suppliers and customers,
: via the dedicated LKI program.
The year 2012 shows the continued efforts in training focused
on 3 main areas:
meet the requirements of our markets and our strategy in the
areas of safety (improving working conditions, deployment
of ergonomic tools), continuous improvement (5S, SMED, etc.
training), and quality,
further actions over several years including trades training
(thermal treatment, cold forging, machining), qualification
courses and careers, the integration of new recruits,
management, languages (English, German and French
to facilitate exchanges between the various sites), staff
awareness on safety and environmental issues,
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