LISI GROUP - Financial report 2012 - page 105

Corporate Social Responsibility
The manufacturing sites primarily use metals, and to a lesser
extent on plastics.
The metal work is done mainly by deformation - cold forging
and hot stamping - causing no loss of material aside from
adjustments. More sites work daily to optimize their material
resources (waste reduction, SMED to reduce losses during the
adjustment phases, etc.). Finally, the waste generated by the
final stages of production (machining, sharpening) are sorted
and sent for 100% materials recovery.
Regarding the plastic, the production sites that use this resource
recover and sort their plastic waste (core samples, scrap). Such
waste is then crushed and reintroduced into the production
lines, to the maximum extent required by our customers.
2.3.3 Energy consumption, measures to improve energy
efficiency and use of renewable energy
Energy consumption is also down. Tighter control of our
consumption and awareness of our production teams play a
key role in this decrease in our impact on the consumption
of energy resources. Sites are pursuing their waste cutting
For example, the LISI AEROSPACE plant at Saint-Ouen l’Aumône
implemented a campaign of detection of compressed air leaks
by ultrasound, with the assistance of a specialist company. In
total, 44 leaks were identified and eliminated, generating a
saving of 63,636 kWh/year (or 0.8% of annual consumption).
That same site reduced its consumption of gas by 204,930
kWh/year, thanks to isolation of the pipes in the heating plant.
2.4 Climate Change
2.4.1 Emissions of greenhouse gases
In accordance with the Grenelle II law and its implementing
decrees, LISI has established an Assessment of Greenhouse
Gases for its legal entities with more than 500 people.
Thus, in France, Blanc Aero Industries released the carbon
equivalent of 2,276 tons of CO2, Creuzet 2,348 tons of CO2,
Indraero 5,542 tons of CO2, Former 15,606 tons of CO2, being a
total of 25,772 tons of CO2 for these entities.
The analysis in the report shows that themain source of release
of Greenhouse Gases is related to energy consumption.
This confirms the LISI's general action to reduce its carbon
footprint through its energy consumption.
Society-related issues
3.1 Territorial, economic and social
impact of the company's business
The LISI Group is firmly rooted in France, particularly in Franche
Comté. Indeed, of the Group's 38 production sites, 17 are
located in France (48%) of which 5 in Franche Comté, the
Company's birthplace. These 17 French sites represent 55% of
the workforce.
At foreign sites, the vast majority of employees come from the
local population, thus contributing to the development of the
local economic and social fabric.
The LISI Group employs 16 expatriates, or 0.18%, out of 8,909
employees in total. This very low proportion shows that the
site use mostly local people. Expatriates are mostly managers,
which also ensures compliance with Group's operating rules.
3.2 Relationships with persons or
organizations interested in the
company's business
3.2.1 The conditions for dialogue with those persons and
The international standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
have as one of their basic principles, dialog with the Interested
Parties. LISI has based its system of environmental, health, and
safety management on these standards.
Thus, individuals and/or organizations interested in the
company's business have been identified by the sites, as well
as their expectations. All requests receive are subject from the
3.2.2 Partnership and sponsorship activities
The LISI Group is a major economic player in all areas where it
operates. It thus contributes to local employment and to local
and regional development.
A significant number of employees also contribute to the
dynamism of associations, clubs, clusters, networks and other
professional organizations.
Such professional organizations include the GIFAS (the Group
of French Aerospace Industries) for LISI AEROSPACE, AFFIX
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