LISI GROUP - Financial report 2012 - page 100

Corporate Social Responsibility
on the international OHSAS 18001 standard (international
standard governing the management system of health and
safety at work).
The acceptance and dedication of each employee of the Group
are actively sought in the process of improving the safety of
our sites.
In June 2011, an HSE Forumbrought together theManagement
of each division, all the Site Directors and the HSE Managers
and the LISI Group; they have set for themselves ambitious, yet
realistic, goals. In particular:
Each production plant must obtain certification for its
workplace health and safety management system in
accordance with the international referential OHSAS 18001
by an independent certification body by the end of 2013,
The frequency rate of workplace accidents with and without
time off work (TF1) for all the sites must fall below 10, and
this, by including temporary workers working on behalf of the
business by the end of 2013.
Achieving these goals involves a number of actions.
First of all
, LISI is constantly working to improve its
workstations. Thus, in 2012, LISI invested € 5.6 million in the
field of safety and the environment, including for the safety
of its machinery and for the implementation of ergonomic
facilities and assistance in handling. For example, the Delle 2
site worked in cooperation with the operators to make changes
to the sorting tables. Many sites, such as LISI AUTOMOTIVE
Knipping in Kierspe or LISI AEROSPACE in Saint-Ouen l’Aumône,
have also invested in handling aid equipment.
Then, froman
point of view, the sites implement
a health and safety management system that is compliant
with the international standard OHSAS 18001. At the end of
2012, 7 sites out of 38 are already certified to ISO 18001 (Caen,
Grandvillars, Heidelberg, Izmir, Kierspe, Rugby, Shanghai).
But it is from the
standpoint that the LISI Group
has chosen to put up the greatest efforts. Indeed, knowing
that 73% of accidents with work stoppage have a behavioral
component - whether conscious or unconscious - LISI wanted
to develop activities that would directly address each and
everyone's responsibility in the occurrence of accidents. The
point here is mainly to give security the place it deserves: it
should be the primary concern at the heart of workshops, since
there are the place where the vast majority of accidents occur.
The actions can be broken down into two distinct and
complementary categories:
1) many sites have implemented a process of "safetymeetings".
The objective is to strengthen the dialogue between
management and operators. Indeed, managers, whether
operational or not, should organize one such meeting. They
observe a workshop operator and report both good practices
and any dangerous situations. After the observation period,
a dialog is initiated with the operator so that he can also
become aware of these dangerous situations. From there, he
is in the best position to determine the best way to eliminate
the danger; he is therefore the one who, through a discussion
with the manager, can find out the best protection against
the risk observed.
2) LISI has decided to go further in the process by developing
a program to change the safety culture with a consultant.
This began in late 2011 at four pilot sites and really took off
in 2012, with promising results. The program begins with an
assessment of the safety culture through a questionnaire
that eachemployeemust complete. The survey is anonymous
which allows everyone to express themselves freely. After
analyzing the results, the staff of each department meet at
dialog workshops, whose purpose is to review best practices
and areas for improvement. With the help of the consultant,
each one then works to remove unsafe behavior at 2 levels:
– eradicating conscious unsafe behavior by assisting local
managers in their dealings with their employees. This
approach is carried out through experience sharing
sessions and reflections on the values of safety at work.
– reducing unconscious unsafe behavior through joint
sessions during which the consultant makes the workers
aware of risks and dangers. Through training, the purpose
here is to change behaviors and the safety approachwithin
the workshops.
Each employee, whether operator or manager, builds this
safety culture. Everyone should participate in creating a work
environment where risk is under control. And each employee
must also pay attention to their own safety as well as that of
their colleagues.
1.4.2 Review of the agreements with trade unions or
employee representatives on health and safety at work
The agreements on health and safety that were signed in 2012
: Signing of a "Pre-
retirement agreement",
LISI MEDICAL Orthopaedics
: "Wellness at Work" DUE,
: Signing of a "Wellness at Work
1.4.3 Accidents at work, including their frequency and
severity, and occupational diseases
The establishment of a genuine safety culture takes time.
However, LISI recorded a steady improvement in the field
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