LISI GROUP - Financial report 2012 - page 102

Corporate Social Responsibility
support people affected by the developments of financial,
industrial and sales management tools.
In addition, special attention is paid to the implementation
of training needs identified in individual and professional
interviews, andmore particularly to senior employees whomay
encounter difficulties in their job or in their work environment.
The training actions conducted in 2012 correspond to the
following guidelines:
Trades training
: develop skills in each job, ensuring the
transfer of knowledge and know-how,
Health, Safety and Environment
Languages and office automation
: English, German, Office
pack ,
: 8D, AMDEC process,
Continuous improvement
: Lean Manufacturing (5S, SMED,
VSM - Visual Management System…), Six Sigma tools (GRR,
capability analysis, experimental design, hypothesis testing),
Individual training identified during the annual performance
evaluation interviews and senior employee career interviews.
In major training sessions, the LISI Group primarily established:
Via the LISI AEROSPACE Knowledge Institute (LKI), training of
552 participants in 60 sessions since the launch in 2011,
Development of Aerospace Boilermaker CQPM.
Provision of qualifying training courses: forging, rolling,
machining, laminating, thermal treatment,
Supervisors sector: because management is key to improving
performance, LISI AUTOMOTIVE has initiated since 2005 in
cooperation with the AFPI, a training course targeted at its
supervisors. On December 11
, the 11 people from the 2012
promotion received the degree which crowns "Supervisors
Performance", a 19-day training cycle that started at the
beginning of the year and includes the following modules:
communication and animation, practice of progress tools,
management and organization, quality, safety and social
relations. The 2013 session will start in February.
1.6 Diversity and equal opportunity /
Equal treatment
The LISI Group sees diversity as an asset, the exchange of ideas
and points of view being a source of progress for the company
and an asset vis-à-vis its competitors.
The fight against discrimination of any kind is an essential
prerequisite for these different profiles, whether by age,
gender, ethnic origin, religious or other beliefs, to flourish
in their professional lives and give the best of themselves,
confident that they will not be judged on their differences.
Several agreements have been reached with the unions in this
regard. The main ones are listed below.
Policy implemented and action taken in favor of gender
equality (Gender Equality Agreements),
Policy implemented and action taken in favor of the
employment and inclusion of people with disabilities (eg, use
of CAT, etc.),
Policy implemented and action taken for the fight against
: Gender Equality Agreement and
Disabled Workers Agreement signed by all the unions,
: Team schedule
specially adapted for mothers,
: "Professional Equality between
Men and Women" DUE.
1.7 Promotion and enforcement of
the fundamental provisions of ILO
Aware of their responsibilities vis-à-vis the fundamental
conventions of the ILO, LISI oversees their application at each
of the Group entities worldwide.
Respect for freedom of association and for the right to
collective bargaining, the elimination of discrimination in
respect of employment and occupation, forced or compulsory
labor and the effective abolition of child labor, are issued that
aremonitored during the site audits and towhichmanagement
is highly sensitized.
LISI is also a signatory of the United Nations - Global Compact,
which includes these themes in its principles 3, 4, 5 and 6.
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