LISI GROUP - Financial report 2012 - page 104

Corporate Social Responsibility
2.2 Pollution and waste management
2.2.1 Measures to prevent, reduce or repair emissions to air,
water and soil that seriously affect the environment
LISI closely monitors the direct impact its direct production
sites may have on the environment. The best technology is
sought to reduce the environmental footprint and to anticipate
potential regulations.
The surface treatment lines generally benefit from
these technologies because their atmospheric emissions
and wastewater discharges may affect the surrounding
environment if they are not controlled.
For that reason, the LISI AUTOMOTIVE plant in Kierspe has
a bio-filter for treating atmospheric waste from the surface
treatment line. The LISI AEROSPACE plant at Villefranche de
Rouergue has also invested in the efficiency of its wastewater
treatment station.
The LISI Group's sites are all ISO 14001 certified. Therefore, a
detailed analysis of the environmental impact, the so-called
"Environmental Analysis", is carried out by each of them. To
maintain this certification, the sites must implement actions to
reduce the environmental footprint of those activities or tasks
identified as the most significant.
2.2.2 Measures to prevent, recycle, and eliminate waste
Waste production in 2012 remained stable compared to 2011,
with a symbolic decrease of 0.1%.
The share of sorted waste was the same as last year, 95.4%.
The remaining portion concerns domestic waste generated by
production-related activities (toilets, cafeterias, etc.).
LISI AUTOMOTIVE is the largest producer of waste. This is due
to the large quantities of materials used and produced. But LISI
AUTOMOTIVE is also the division that best sorts its waste, with
97% of waste sorted.
The LISI AEROSPACE division is not far behind, because, in one
year, the proportion of waste sorted has increased from 83%
to 90%.
The LISI MEDICAL division, in turn, only accounts for 1.4% of
the waste.
The production plants principally generate metallic waste (65%
of the total quantity of waste produced). These are sold for
2.2.3 Taking into account noise and other forms of
pollution specific to an activity
The LISI Group's sites follow and record all complaints - whether
formal or informal, official or not - issued by stakeholders.
Thus, 8 complaints were recorded throughout the Group's sites.
Most are related to the occurrence of outbreaks of fire and
olfactory or visual impact on the neighborhood.
Each complaint receives a reply - written or otherwise - sent to
the party concerned.
Sites concerned Complaint
1 Question asked on the telephone
regarding the site's atmospheric
1 Complaint on the telephone
about the noise generated by
dumping waste to bins
s/ Creuse
4 2 complaints regarding a fire at
the Colomiers plant
2 telephone calls regarding noise
from the St Marcel plant
2 2 letters from the owner of
the building regarding 2 minor
outbreaks of fire
2.3 Sustainable use of resources
2.3.1Water consumption and water supply according to
local constraints
Water is little used in the manufacturing processes
implemented at the sites. It is mainly involved in parts washing
and surface treatment. However, most process waters are
recycled. In addition, local initiatives are encouraged. For
example, at LISI AUTOMOTIVE's Cejc site, improved monitoring
of the phosphating line baths and the change of showers and
toilets (bringing the flow rate down from 10 liters/minute to
6 liters/minute), have reduced the site's consumption by 16%.
All these initiatives have resulted in an aggregate reduction
of water consumption of 8%, in relation to production, at
constant structure throughout the Group (ie not including the
Marmande, Argenton s/ Creuse, Casablanca, and Sediszow
sites) between 2011 and 2012. Each division has helped
contribute to reducing consumption.
2.3.2 The consumption of rawmaterials and the measures
taken to improve the effectiveness of their use
The LISI Group is very cautious about the consumption of raw
materials and works to optimize the use of these resources.
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