The net debt increased by +€61.6million and amounted to €218.2million
at December, 2016 i.e. 25.2% of shareholders’ equity (19.7% in 2015).
Thus, LISI’s financial structure enabled the REMMELE MEDICAL
OPERATIONS acquisition in April 2016 and the ambitious investment
plan, while maintaining its solid ratios.
The return on capital employed (before tax) stood at 15.5% at year‑end
compared to 15.9% at December 31, 2015. The capital employed
increased in value to €1,177million (comparedwith €1,039million in 2015).
All the divisions in the LISI Group are developing in well-oriented
markets offering solid opportunities for development.
For LISI AEROSPACE, even if the build ups have already been
anticipated, the ambitious industrialization programs undertaken since
2016 have still to succeed. The costs, which are always significant, of
non-quality and industrialization of very complex technical parts, in
the “Structural Components” unit, laid down by the new Airbus and
Safran programs on various sites, should gradually be brought down
during subsequent quarters. Furthermore, confirmation of the recovery
at Boeing will be essential to offset the probable slowdown of the
“Fasteners – Europe” activity.
The division is moreover continuing the modernization of its production
resources. It is also continuing to invest in long-termprojects such as the
development of the “Optiblind
” assembly system, the implementation of
the “robotization” project or again the development of LISI AEROSPACE
Additive Manufacturing. It intends to supply its aeronautical customers
with a response that integrates additive technologies into the design
and production of 3D printed mechanical parts.
On the basis of the progress recorded during the last five financial
years, LISI AUTOMOTIVE has set itself the objective of continuing
to improve its operational profitability in the long term, in particular
thanks to the gains provided by the LEAP (LISI Excellence Achievement
Program) plan and the still high level of industrial investment to
accelerate the robotization and automation program in the industrial
processes. The repositioning towards products with higher added
value undertaken in 2016 should also significantly contribute towards
the continuous improvement of the division’s operating margin. The
greater international presence, particularly on the mechanical safety
components and clipped solutions market, will be another focus for
LISI MEDICAL will benefit from the consolidation for the full year
of LISI MEDICAL Remmele which particularly opens up promising
opportunities for organic growth with new and very dynamic markets
for medical appliances other than orthopedics.
In parallel, ever-increasing customer demands and the many new
long-term projects under development or industrialization make even
more necessary the implementation of the Group’s major transversal
projects, such as LEAP (LISI Excellence Achievement Program),
E-HSE (Excellence HSE) and COS (Controlling Operating System).
In this context, the LISI Group is aiming at a two-figure operating
margin in 2017 and an always positive Free Cash Flow.
Summary presentation of the LISI AEROSPACE activity:
Increase in the volumes relating to the build-up of the new programs
and new products;
Free Cash Flow
largely positive, after a CAPEX plan up by more
than 19%;
Very satisfactory functioning of the “Fasteners Europe” activity;
Inauguration and qualification of the LISI AEROSPACE Additive
Manufacturing site and a large number of strategic initiatives;
Sale of the “Floor covering – Interior design” activity.
Visibility in the commercial aircraft sector remains very good. The other
market segments served by LISI AEROSPACE had varied fortunes,
in particular helicopters and certain segments such as regional aircraft,
the military in the USA or business aircraft.
While Airbus remains behind Boeing in the number of aircraft deliveries
(688 aircraft compared to 748 for Boeing), it is the leader in the number
of net orders (731 compared to 668 for Boeing), i.e. an order book of
13,000 aircraft.
As expected, the effect of the delivery rates of single-aisles and the
A350 will continue in 2017.
Free Cash Flow:
operating cash flow minus net capital expenditure and changes in working capital requirements.