Various measures are taken at the divisions to reduce the
number of hours lost:
in most units, incentive agreements include an absenteeism
interviews are conducted upon the employee's return to
identify the levers of progress that will help prevent further
absences (e.g.: work on ergonomics, gestures and posture
training, adaptation of team schedules);
communication actions are put in place to educate staff on the
impact of unanticipated absences on production cycles;
medical check-ups may also be conducted where required.
In France, the employees of the LISI Group benefit from the
services of the Réhalto firm, in order to prevent any worsening
of psychosocial risks, regardless of their origin, work-related
or personal.
This listening and support platform, composed of psychologists
available 24/7, allows any employee of the Group to obtain
the assistance of a qualified professional to overcome their
problems and find a solution to their difficulties, be they of a
personal, professional, family or addiction-related nature.
A simple phone call, on a totally confidential basis, puts the
employee in touch with a psychosocial health worker in his/
her region, who is therefore able to provide a diagnosis. The
employee can benefit from up to 12 hours of paid consultations.
1.3.1 The organization of social dialogue, including
the staff information, consultation and negotiation
In addition to strict compliance with applicable law, the
Group pays attention to social dialogue with the employees'
representatives, altogether during meetings of the works
committee (or the single employees' delegation) on each of
the sites which has such a body, the Central Works Committee
(Blanc Aéro Industries and Former), the European Committee
and the Group Committee of LISI.
More generally, LISI ensures that the employees of the Group
receive and have access to high-quality information. Hence,
various means of communication have been put in place on the
various sites of the Group:
video screens in the workshops (LISI MEDICAL Orthopaedics);
internal journals (LISI AEROSPACE, LISI AUTOMOTIVE Cejc,
flash notes in the workshops based on recent news (LISI
information breakfasts (LISI AEROSPACE).
in order to make them aware of the importance of maintaining
good quality social dialogue.
Furthermore, specific committees made up of representatives
of the employees and members of the Management meet
regularly to hold discussions and make progress on various
issues for which they were set up:
forward planning of Employment and Skills;
gender equality;
quality of life at work;
health insurance fund;