LISI 2013
LEAPat thecore
of trainingprograms
Theoperational launchof the LEAP strategicprogram (readpages 16 to 21)was
one of the highlights of the year 2013. Intended to contribute to a profitable
and sustainable growth, LISI Excellence Achievement Program plan is a
comprehensive continuous approach for improvement of human,managerial
and industrialpractices in theGroup.
4,180staff trained
In 2013, 31 factories were directly committed to the implementation of this
program. In total, 4,180 employees have been trained in thesemethods aimed
atreducingwaste,aswellas forallnon-addedvalueactivities,byanalyzingand
optimizing the flow.
Implemented by Group experts in industrial performance, LEAP training
supports the increase in skillsbyusingeachof the tools integrated in theLEAP
raining of employees is amajor strategic
lever for LISI. Reinforcing internal skills and
setting up transmission of skills support
tools helps not only to prepare the future, but
also consolidates the present by improving its
competitiveness through increased levels of
Offeringconsistent career training
LISI ensures that each employee, regardless of his/
her age or position, has access throughout his/her
career to the training courses necessary for the
construction of his/her career path and his/her
special attention is paid to the implementation
of training needs identified in individual and
professional interviews, andmore particularly to
senior employeeswhomay encounter difficulties
in their jobor in theirworkenvironment.
70%of theGroupemployees trained in2013
In 2013, the budget for internal and external
training for all the LISI Groupamounted to€4.6m,
or 1.6% of the Group’s total payroll. This budget
enabledprovision ofmore than 260,000hours of
training to employees of the companyon all sites,
representing 1.7% of the total hoursworked over
theyear. In total,morethan6,500employeescould
benefit from a training of at least sevenhours (or
70% of theGroup’s employees),which represents
an increaseofnearly20% from2012.
The LISI Group actively pursues its contribution
to the integration of young people into the labor
market by allowing large numbers of students to
come and discover the business and its activities,
whether through the completionof internships or
During 2013, LISI welcomed 661 interns,
174 apprentices and 82work experience contracts
across all its divisions. Professionalization and
apprenticeship contracts are formulas that allow
strengthening theadequacybetween the training
contentand thecompanyneeds.