healthatwork,aswell as thecaregiven topreserving
elementsconsideredon thesame level aseconomic
and financial indicators.TheLISIGrouphasplaced
thesesocial issuesat theheartof itscorporateculture.
heGroup’s GeneralManagement is always
mobilized at its highest level on all topics
related to health and safety. LISI trades are
notwithout risk. It is therefore crucial to control,
to prevent and do everything possible to ensure
that the best behavioral and prudential working
practices are accepted by all and disseminated
as widely as possible. At all levels, the desire to
achieve excellence in these areas is exercised
relentlessly. The goal is tomake these transverse
themes vectors of continuous improvement and
levers of progress, including in areas that are not
directly related.
HSE referentsateachsite
In order to ensure and to achieve this ambition,
LISI has aHSE (Hygiene,HealthandEnvironment)
policy and organization built on theOHSAS 18001
international references. It aims to determine the
mainpaths of progress, to prioritize its objectives,
and todeduce theappropriateactions.
LISI 2013