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Conversion methods for items in foreign currency - Transaction in foreign currency

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in the books in the


At the year-end, themonetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies

are converted into the operating currency at the rate in force at the year

end. Exchange rate differences arising fromconversions are recognized

in income or expenses, with the exception of differences from foreign

currency loans that are a hedge on a net investment in a foreign entity,

which are recognized in the conversion reserve as a distinct element of

shareholders’equity.Theyappearonthe incomestatementupontheexit

of that business. - Translating financial statements of consolidated

subsidiaries and joint ventures

The financial statements of subsidiaries and affiliates whose operating


of theperiod reported for thebalance sheet andat the averageexchange


arising from conversions appear in the conversion reserve, as a distinct

element of shareholders’ equity.



 Financial instruments - Non-derivative financial instruments

Non-derivative financial instruments include investments in equity

instruments and debt securities, trade and other receivables, cash and

cash equivalents, loans and debts, and trade and other payables.

Non‑derivative financial instruments are recognized in the accounts as

indicated in the specific notes below:, 2.2.10, 2.2.11, 2.2.12, 2.2.15

and 2.2.16. - Financial derivatives

The Group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge its exposure to

foreign exchange and interest rate risks arising from operational,

financing and investment activities. In accordance with its cash

management policy, LISI S.A. neither holds nor issues derivatives for

trading purposes.

However, derivatives that do not meet the hedge criteria are valued and

recorded at fair value by earnings. The profit or loss arising from the


When a derivative is designated as a hedge for cash flow variations of a

recognizedassetor liability,orofahighlyprobable,expectedtransaction,

the effective share of change in fair value of the derivative is recognized

directly in shareholders’ equity. Accumulated, associated profits or

losses are taken out of shareholders’ equity and included in the income

statement of the period(s) during which the covered transaction affects

the profit or loss.



 Intangible assets - Goodwill

In linewith IFRS3,businesscombinationsarerecognized intheaccounts

using the acquisition method. This method requires that at the first

consolidation of any entity over which the Group has direct or indirect

control, the assets and liabilities acquired (and any potential liabilities


point,goodwill isvaluedatcost,whichequatestothedifferencebetween

the cost of the business combination and LISI’s stake in the fair value of

the assets and identifiable liabilities.


cost, i.e. the net amount recognized in the accounts under the previous

accounting framework, minus depreciation.

For acquisitions after this date, goodwill is valued at cost, minus the

cumulative loss



of cash-generating units and is not amortized; instead, it is subject to an

impairment test at least once a year following the method described in

paragraph - Research and development

Research costs incurred in order to develop scientific knowledge and

understanding,orto learnnewtechniques,arerecognizedasanexpense

when they are incurred.

Under the IFRS framework, development costs (i.e., costs incurred by

applyingtheresultsofresearchtoaplanormodel inordertodevelopnew

or substantially improved products and processes) are recorded as fixed

assets if the Group can demonstrate that future economic benefits are

probable. The LISI Group’s development costs primarily relate mainly to


clients, rather than to improvements in processes.

Most expenses incurred do not meet the criteria for capitalization as

intangible assets and are therefore recorded as expenses. The Group

carries out regular assessments ofmajor projects inorder to identify any

costs which could be capitalized. - Other intangible assets

Concessions, trademarks and software programs are recognized at

historic cost and are subject to a depreciation plan. Intangible fixed

assets acquired through a business combination are recognized at their

acquisition-date fair value. Intangible fixed assets with finite useful lives

are subject to depreciation over this period, while intangible fixed assets

withindefiniteuseful livesaresubjecttoanimpairmenttestforeverynew

balance sheet.

Depreciation is recognized as an expense using the straight-linemethod

over the estimated useful life of the intangible fixed assets except when

this is indefinite.

Estimated useful lives are as follows:

−− Trademarks: 10 years;

−− Software programs: 1 – 10 years.



 Tangible assets - Assets owned by the LISI Group

Tangible fixed assets are recorded at diminished cost with accumulated

depreciations and impairments. The cost of an asset produced by the

Groupfor itself includesthecostsofrawmaterials,directmanpower,and

anestimate, ifapplicable,ofcostsrelatedtotheremovalanddismantling

of the asset and the repair of the site at which it is located, along with an

appropriate share of the general production costs.