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Page Background

−− identification of the contract or contracts;

−− identification of the seller’s various contractual obligations

(performance obligation);

−− determination of the price of the transaction;

−− allocation of the price of the transaction to the various obligations


−− recognition of the sales revenue.

As most of the subsidiaries consolidated in the LISI Group are industrial

production sites, most of the sales revenue comes from the sale of

finished products. However, the Group has specifically identified two


is late penalties (on delivery, quality deterioration, etc.) reported against

sales revenue; the second relates to the invoicing of machine tooling

treated as additional services resulting in the recognition of a sales

revenue at the time of acceptance of the machine tooling and the initial

samples. These principleswhich complywith IFRS 15 did not result in any

change as regards the transition.

The Group has reviewed its sale agreements and concluded that there

was no need to modify the operative event of the sales revenue

recognition. The accounting principles and the main contracts were

analyzed in light of IFRS 15; the analysis showed that the application of

this standard has a non-significant impact on the Group’s financial

statements. - New standards and interpretation for later application

approved by the European Union

No standard, interpretation or amendment to existing standards was

applied in anticipation in the financial statements at December 31, 2018.

The standards and interpretations published and approved by the

European Union, but whose application is not yet mandatory, are the


a) InJanuary2016,the IASBpublishedstandard IFRS16,Leasecontracts.

This standard will lead companies leasing significant assets as part

of their activity to recognize an asset and a financial debt corresponding

to the lease commitment.

This standard is expected to enter into force for the financial years as

of January 1 2019. The LISI Group has chosen to apply the modified


The work to identify, analyze and make the data reliable for the leases

concerned is being finalized. The Group has identified several types of

leases that will be restated in accordance with IFRS 16.


to IAS 17 and IFRIC 24.

Capitalizationofrealestate leases:

basedon the analysis completed, the

group identified leases within the meaning of the standard for buildings

leased for production activity and buildings leased for offices. The lease

term selected corresponds to the period which cannot be terminated,

alongwith any renewal optionswhich the group is reasonably certainwill

be exercised. The analysis of the contractual elements and the final

calculations will be completed in the first half of 2019.

Recognition of leases for other assets:

Based on the analysis conducted

at this stage, the main leases identified are for vehicles and other rolling

stock. Analysis of leases of other assets will be finalized in the first half

of 2019. The period of capitalization of rent on leases corresponds to the

period initially envisaged in the agreement. The LISI Group has chosen

nottoseparatethecomponentsofserviceswithinthe lease(forexample,



lasting under 12 months and the leasing of goods with a low new value

(below €5,000) have been used.

The Group has also opted not to restate leases for intangible assets.

The discount rate used to value the rental debts is the reference rate

calculated by actuaries in line with the lease terms and the countries

concerned, plus a variable margin necessary to obtain finance on the

financial markets. The rate determined in this way makes it possible to

take account of the economic environment, the currency and the termof

the leases of the Group’s entities.

The application of this standardwill also result in a change in the way the

financial statements are presented as of 2019:


on the income statement: the rent expense recognized within the

EBITDA will, under IFRS 16, be recognized partly as depreciation

allowancewithintheEBITandpartlyas interestexpenses;thiswillhave

a favorable impact on EBITDA for the entire rent amount, partially

the EBIT;


in the cash flow statement: the payment of rents currently presented

in cash provided by or used for operations, will be presented under

IFRS16 for the part corresponding to interest expenses within cash

provided by or used by financing activities. The part corresponding to

depreciation will be restated for the cash flow capacity;


free cash flow will also be favorably impacted in the amount of the

portion recognized under depreciation.

To date, most of the numbering has been begun on the real estate rent

part, which accounts for most of the Group’s leases.

The Group has applied the transitional provisions provided for in IFRS 16.

C8 bi) which provides for the determination of the book value as if IFRS 16

had been applied from the date of effect of the lease agreement, but by

updating it using its marginal loan rate on the date of first application.

The estimation on this basis shows the following impacts at the start of

the 2019 financial year:

Net tangible fixed assets


7 – 10%

Net debt


15 – 21%

A 1 point rise or fall in the discount rate would have an impact on the

change in EFN and net tangible assets, based on the assumptions

selected for our initial estimates of under 1%.