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Page Background

The major impacts expected at the start of 2019 are on net debt and the

net value of tangible fixed assets. With regard to the assessment of

restated aggregates used in the calculation of covenants, there should

be no breach of covenants.

Reconciliation of data provided under IAS17 and the impacts of the

application of IFRS 16:

The information disclosed previously will not be

fully consistent with the IFRS 16 impacts.

The impacts of rents restated under financial leases did not include the

discount rates defined by an actuary.

The amount referred to in paragraph c) – “operating lease

agreements”, made it possible to know the annual real estate lease

expense without taking a discount rate into consideration.



“Uncertainties surrounding tax treatment”: Published by the

IASB on June 7, 2017

This interpretation clarifies the accounting and valuation procedures for

income taxes when there is uncertainty surrounding the tax treatment


as to the outcome of fiscal uncertainty.

The Group does not anticipate any impact from the 1


application of the

standard in 2019.



 Basis for the preparation

of the financial statements

Financial statements are given in thousands of euros, except where

otherwise indicated.

They are prepared on the basis of historical costs, with the exception of

thefollowingassetsand liabilitieswhichhavebeenmeasuredattheirfair

value: financial derivatives, financial instruments held for trading

purposes and financial instruments classified as held for sale and

liabilities from cash-settled share-based payment transactions.

Non-current assets held for sale are evaluated at the lower of their book

value and the fair value less costs of disposal.

According to IFRS standards, certain accounting options involve taking

positions based on judgment of assumptions that have an impact on the

amounts of assets or liabilities, income or expenses, particularly

regarding the following elements:

−− durations of depreciation of fixed assets (notes and;

−− evaluations retained for impairment tests (note;

−− evaluation of pension provisions and obligations (notes 2.2.13 and


−− valuation of financial assets at fair market value (notes 2.2.6,,

2.2.11 and 2.2.12);

−− valuation of share-based payments (note;

−− recognition of deferred tax assets (note

These judgmentsandassumptionstake intoaccountthespecificrisksof

the sectors concerned by LISI’s activities, aswell as general risks related

to the economic context.

Managementcontinuouslyreviews itsestimatesandassessmentsbased

upon past experience and on factors considered reasonable that form

the basis of its assessment for the book values of assets and liabilities.

The impact of changes to accounting estimates is recognized during the

period of change only where it affects this period or during the period of

change and successiveperiods if these are also impactedby the change.

These assumptions are broken down by division on the basis of

information drawn from independent experts (actuaries, etc.).

Identified sensitivities


data and assumptions related to the implementation of the impairment

tests. These assumptions are consolidated through a collection process

of forecast information from major players in the sector (market

assumptions) and actuaries (rate assumptions).

Accounting treatment of the CVAE (Tax on Companies’ Added Value)

Following the release of the National Accounting Council of January 14,

2010, the Group decided to qualify the CVAE (contribution of the Added

Value of Businesses) as income tax that would fall within the scope of

IAS 12. This decision is based on an opinion of the IFRIC issued in 2006

stating that the term ‘taxable profit’ implies a notion of net rather than

gross amount without it being necessarily identical to the accounting

result. Moreover, this choice ensures consistency with the accounting

treatment applied to similar taxes in other foreign countries.

Treatment of the research tax credit

Revenues related to the research tax credit are classified in the income

statement under “Other income”.

Treatment of the tax credit for competitiveness and employment


The CICE has been presented in application of IFRS as a deduction from

the employment-related expenses for an amount of €10.2million.



 Consolidation principles

A subsidiary is an entity controlled by its parent company.

In accordance with IFRS 10, an investor controls an investee if and only if

all of the following conditions are satisfied:

−− it holds power over the investee;

−− it is exposed or entitled to variable returns because of its relationship

with the investee;

−− it has the ability to exercise its power over the investee in such a way

as to affect the amount of returns that it obtains.

The list of consolidated companies is provided in note 2.3.4. At

December 31, 2018 all the companies are included in the consolidation

scope in accordance with the full consolidationmethod.



 Transactions excluded from the

consolidated financial statements

Balance sheet balances, unrealized profits and losses, and income and

costs arising from intra-group transactions have been excluded in

preparing the consolidated financial statements.

Unrealized losses have been excluded in the same way as unrealized

profits, on condition that they do not represent a loss of value.