wehaveconsultedthedocumentarysourcesandconducted interviews
to corroborate the qualitative information which we considered to be
themost important presented in Appendix 1;
we evaluated the coherence of the entire Declaration with respect to
our knowledge of the entity.
We believe that the work that we have performed exercising our
professional judgment allows us to reach a conclusion of moderate
assurance; a higher level of assurance would have required more
extensive verification work.
Means and resources
Six competent persons were involved in this work which was carried out
between July 2018 and February 2019 over a total working period of
approximately seven weeks.
We held five interviews with the persons responsible for drafting the
Declaration representing in particular the Group’s Industrial and
Purchasing, Human Resources and HSE departments.
Basedonourwork,wedidnot identifyanymaterialanomalies likelytocall
the Information, as a whole, is presented in a fair manner, in accordance
with the Repositories.
Without qualifying the conclusion expressed above and in accordance
with the provisions of Article A. 225‑3 of the French Commercial Code,
wemake the following comments:
the policies presented do not completely cover all of the risks linked to
thedevelopment of human capital and talentmanagement, whichhave
however been identified among the principal risks;
we identified improvements required to establish or control the
Information, in particular with regards to the data relating to the
headcount which have completed training.
Paris-La Défense, March 15, 2019
The Independent Third-Party Organization ERNST & YOUNG et Associés
Christophe Schmeitzky
Jean-François Bélorgey
Sustainable Development Partner