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 Report By The Independent Third Party Organization On The Consolidated Social,

Environmental And Societal Information Contained In The Management Report

Financial year ended December 31, 2018

Report by the Independent Third-Party Organization On the

Consolidated Extra-Financial Performance Statement Included In

The Management Report

Dear Shareholders General Meeting,

Asan independentthirdpartyorganization,accreditedbyCOFRACunder

number 3‑1050 (scope of accreditation available on the website

www.‌cofrac.‌fr) andmember of the network of one of the auditors of your


extra-financial performance relating to the financial year ended

December 31, 2018 (hereafter the “Declaration”), presented in the

Management Report in application of the legal and regulatory provisions

of Articles L. 225‑102‑1, R. 225‑105 and R. 225‑105‑1 of the French

Commercial Code.

Responsibility of the Entity

It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to prepare a Declaration

that complies with the legal and regulatory provisions, including a

presentation of the business model, a description of the main extra-

financial risks, a presentation of the policies applied to these risks and

the results of these policies, including the key performance indicators.

The Declaration was prepared by applying the entity’s procedures

(hereafter the “Guidelines”) of which the most important elements are

presented in theDeclaration and available on request at the entity’s head


Independence and quality control

Our independence is defined by the provisions outlined in Article

L. 822‑11‑3 of the French Commercial Code and the Profession’s Code of

Ethics. In addition, we have implemented a quality control system that


ethical standards, professional standards and applicable laws and


Responsibility of the independent third-party organization

It is our responsibility, based on the work performed, to provide a

reasoned opinion expressing a moderate assurance on:


the compliance of the Declaration pursuant to Article R.225‑105 of the

French Commercial Code;


he sincerity of the information provided in accordance with 3° of I and

II of Article R. 225‑105 of the French Commercial Code, i.e. the results

of the policies, including the key performance indicators, and the

actions, relating to themain risks, hereafter themain risks, hereinafter

the “Information”.

It is not our responsibility, however, to comment on:


the entity’s compliance with the other legal and regulatory provisions

applicable, in particular with regards to the vigilance, anti-corruption

and anti-tax evasion plan;


the conformity of the products and services with the applicable


Nature and scope of work

The work described hereafter has been performed in accordance with

the provisions of articles A. 225‑1 et seq. of the French Commercial Code

determining the conditions under which the independent third-party

organization conducts its task and in accordance with professional

standards and international standard ISAE 3000 - Assurance

engagements other than audits or reviews of historical financial


Our work has allowed us to evaluate the conformity of the Declaration to

the regulatory provisions and the sincerity of the information:


we have taken note of the entity’s activity, of the exposure to the main

social and environmental risks linked to this activity and, where

applicable, their effects in terms of respect of human rights and the

fight against corruption as well as the resulting policies and their




to their relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality and

understandability, taking into account, where appropriate, the

industry’s best practices;


we have verified that the Declaration covers each category of

information provided for in III of Article L. 225‑102‑1 in social and

environmental issues as well as the respect of human rights and



we have verified that the Declaration includes an explanation of the

reasons justifying the absence of the information required under the

second paragraph of III of Article L. 225‑102‑1;


we have verified that the Declaration presents the business model and

themainrisks linkedtotheentity’sactivity, includingwhenrelevantand


or its services as well as the policies, actions and the results, including

key performance indicators;


we have verified, when relevant in terms of the main risks or policies

presented, that the Declaration presents the information required by II

of Article R. 225‑105;




we inquired about whether the entity had put in place procedures for

the internal control andmanagement of the risks;


we evaluated the coherence of the results and key performance



we evaluated the collection process implemented by the entity with

regards to the completeness and sincerity of the Information;


for the key performance indicators and other quantitative results that

we considered to be the most important presented in Appendix 1, we



of the data collected as well as the coherence in their changes;

detailed tests based on surveys, consisting of verifying the proper


contained inthesupportingdocuments.Thesetestswereconducted

on a selection of contributing entities listed below: Villefranche-de-

Rouergue, Saint-Ouen l’Aumône and Delle which represent 11%of the
