he/she assesses the overall presentation of the Company financial
statements and appraises whether the Company financial statements
fair view;
Report to the Audit Committee
We submit a report to the Audit Committee presenting the scope of the
audit work and the programof work implemented, as well as the findings
of significant weaknesses in internal control that we have identified as
regards procedures relating to the preparation and processing of
accounting and financial information.
The report to the Audit Committee includes information on the risks of
for the audit of the Company financial statements of the financial year
and which constitute the key audit matters that we have to describe in
this report.
WealsosubmittotheAuditCommitteethedeclarationsetout inArticle6
of Regulation (EU) No. 537‑2014 confirming our independence, within the
meaning of the rules applicable in France as they are set out in particular
in Articles L. 822‑10 to L. 822‑14 of the French Commercial Code and in
the Audit Committee the risks to our independence and the safeguard
measures applied.
Paris and Paris-La Défense, March 27, 2019
The Auditors
ERNST & YOUNG et Autres
Pierre Burnel
Pierre Jouanne