−− Director of Compagnie Industrielle de Delle (CID);
−− Director of Air Liquide S.A. andmember of the Audit Committee;
−− Chairman-Director of CITP;
−− Chairman-Director of SIV;
−− Chairman-Director of SID;
−− Honorary Chairman of the National Association of Joint Stock
Companies (ANSA).
Marie-Hélène PEUGEOT-RONCORONI, age 58, French citizen
Permanent representative of EPF (ETABLISSEMENTS Peugeot Frères)
on the Supervisory Board of Peugeot SA and Vice-Chairwoman of the
Supervisory Board. Member of the Nominations Committee and of the
Asia Committee.
Director of LISI.
She sits in the Board of Directors.
Marie-Hélène Peugeot-Roncoroni exercises the other mandates and
functions listed below:
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− None.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Chairwoman and Director of SAPAR;
−− Chairwoman of Saint – Co SAS;
−− Director and Vice-Chairwoman of FFP;
−− Director of Etablissements PEUGEOT Frères and Deputy CEO;
−− Permanent representative of EPF on the Supervisory Board of
−− Director of ESSO SAF (France);
−− Director of Fondation PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN and Vice-Chairwoman
of the Board of Directors of Fondation PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN;
−− Chairwoman of SICAV ARMENE.
Véronique Saubot age 53, French citizen
Chairwoman of TYKYA
Director of LISI
She sits in the Board of Directors.
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− None.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Chairwoman of TYKYA;
−− Director of Groupe LA POSTE, mail, parcels and home service branch;
−− member of the FORCEFEMMES Board of Directors- association which
helps women return to work. Chairwoman since July 2016.
Cyrille Viellard, age 41, French citizen
Market Intelligence&BusinessDevelopmentDirectorandmemberofthe
Executive Committee of Rapala VMC Oyj Group
Permanent representative of VMC on LISI’s Board of Directors.
He sits on LISI’s Board of Directors and Audit Committee.
Cyrille Viellard holds the following other offices:
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− None.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Director of Viellard Migeon & Cie SA;
−− Director of FSHWelding Group SA;
−− Member of the Management Committee of Ets REBOUD ROCHE SAS;
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofSELECTARCWELDINGSAS;
−− Director of Normark Polska Sp. z.o.o.;
−− Director of Normark Hungary Zrt.;
−− Director of Compagnie Industrielle de Delle SA.
Emmanuel Viellard, age 55, French citizen
CEO and director of LISI.
He sits on the Board of Directors, the Strategic Committee and the
Nominations Committee.
Emmanuel Viellard exercises the other mandates and functions listed
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Chairman of the Board of LISI AEROSPACE SA;
−− Chairman of the Board of LISI AUTOMOTIVE SA;
−− Chairman of AIRMON HOLDING 1 SAS;
−− Chairman of LISI MEDICAL SAS;
−− Director of HI-SHEAR Corporation (USA);
−− Director of TERMAX LLC (USA);
−− Director of LISI AUTOMOTIVE Hi-Vol Inc.(USA),
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofLISIAUTOMOTIVEFormerSAS;
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofLISIAUTOMOTIVERapidSAS;
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofLISIAUTOMOTIVENomelSAS;
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofBLANCAEROIndustriesSAS;
−− Member of the Management Committee of BLANC AERO Technologies
−− Member of the Management Committee of CREUZET AERONAUTIQUE
−− Member of the Management Committee of INDRAERO SIREN SAS;
SAS Management Committee;
−− Member of the Management Committee of LISI AEROSPACE CARGO
−− Member of the Management Committee of LISI MEDICAL Orthopaedics
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofLISIMEDICALFastenersSAS.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Chairman of Financière VIELLARD SAS;
−− Chairman and CEO of VIELLARD MIGEON & Cie SA;
−− Chairman of the Board of Directors of FSHWELDING GROUP;
−− Member of the Management Committee of VMC PECHE SAS;
−− Director of Compagnie Industrielle de Delle;
−− Director of FSHWELDING India (India);
−− Director of RAPALA-VMC OYJ (Finland);
−− Permanent representative of VMC on the Management Committee of:
De PRUINES Industries SAS,
−− Honorary Chairman of GIFAS;
−− Chairman of the VIELLARD Family Association. - Family ties
The only direct family ties between the aforementioned individuals are
the following:
−− Gilles Kohler and Jean-Philippe Kohler are brothers;
−− Thierry Peugeot et Marie-Hélène Peugeot-Roncoroni are siblings;
−− Capucine Kohler is the daughter of Gilles Kohler.