Capucine Kohler, age 39, French citizen
Sales Account Manager at ZF (UK).
Director of LISI.
She sits on the LISI Board of Directors.
Capucine Kohler exercises the other mandates and functions listed
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− None.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Director of Compagnie Industrielle de Delle;
Jean-Philippe Kohler, age 58, French citizen
Deputy CEO of the LISI Group
Permanent representative of CIKO on LISI’s Board of Directors
He sits on the Board of Directors and Strategic Committee.
Jean-Philippe Kohler exercises the other mandates and functions listed
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Director of LISI AUTOMOTIVE SA;
−− Director of LISI AEROSPACE SA;
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofLISIAUTOMOTIVEFormerSAS;
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofLISIAUTOMOTIVERapidSAS;
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofLISIAUTOMOTIVENomelSAS;
−− Member of the Management Committee of LISI AEROSPACE
−− Member of the Management Committee of LISI AEROSPACE CARGO
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofCREUZETAERONAUTIQUESAS;
−− Member of the Management Committee of INDRAERO SIREN SAS;
−− MemberoftheManagementCommitteeofBLANCAEROIndustriesSAS;
−− Member of the Management Committee of BLANC AERO Technologies
SAS Management Committee;
−− Member of the Management Committee of AIRMON HOLDING 1 SAS;
−− Member of the Management Committee of LISI MEDICAL SAS.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− CEO and director of Compagnie Industrielle de Delle;
−− Chairman and CEO of Société Immeubles de Franche-Comté;
−− Manager of the real estate company PYKO.
Pascal LEBARD, age 56, French citizen
Chairman and CEO of SEQUANA;
Director of LISI.
He sits on the LISI Board of Directors and Strategic Committee.
PascalLEBARDexercisestheothermandatesandfunctions listedbelow:
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− None.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Director – Chairman and CEO of SEQUANA;
−− Chairman of Arjowiggins SAS;
−− Chairman of the Board of Directors of Antalis;
−− Chairman of Arjobex;
−− Chairman of Arjobex Holding;
−− Director of Arjowiggins HKK 1 Ltd (Hong Kong);
−− Chairman of DLMD SAS;
−− Chairman of Pascal Lebard Invest SAS;
−− Director, Chairman of theNominations and Compensation Committee
andmember of the Bureau Veritas Strategic Committee;
−− Permanent representative of Oaktree Luxembourg Flandre Anchor
Sarl on the Board of Directors of Novartex (Vivarte), Chairman of the
Audit Committee and Member of the Nominations and Compensation
Lisa LOBRE, age 53, French citizen
Chairwoman of PARVILLA
Chairwoman of LUMEN EQUITY
Vice-Chairwoman and Senior Independent Director of LISI
She sits on the Board of Directors, the Strategic Committee, the
Compensation Committee and chairs the Audit Committee
Lise NOBRE exercised the other mandates and functions listed below:
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− None.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Director of the Company DAHER,
−− Director of Roquette Frères,
−− Member of the Beirat de Kama (Germany).
Christian Peugeot, age 65, French citizen
Chairman of the CCFA (Committee of French Car Manufacturers)
Director of LISI
He sits on the LISI Board of Directors.
Christian Peugeot exercises the other mandates and functions listed
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− None.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Vice-Chairman of Établissements PEUGEOT Frères, Chairman of the
Ethics Committee, Governance;
−− Director of FFP, member of the Financial and Audit Committee;
−− Director of Compagnie Industrielle de Delle;
−− Director of the PSP Group;
−− Manager of BP GESTION;
−− Manager of SC LAROCHE;
−− Chairman of AMC Promotion SA;
−− Chairman of AAA DATA SAS;
−− Chairman of OICA;
−− Chairman of UNIFAB (Union des Fabricants).
Thierry PEUGEOT, age 61, French citizen
Permanent representative of Compagnie Industrielle de Delle at LISI’s
Board of Directors.
He sits on the Board of Directors, on the Compensation Committee and
the Nominations Committee.
Related to the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− None.
Outside the LISI Group (in France and abroad):
−− Vice-Chairman and director of Etablissements PEUGEOT Frères and
Chairman of the Audit Committee;
−− CEO of the Société Anonyme de Participations (SAPAR);