This program sets ambitious objectives and encourages
excellence throughout the company ’s HSE strategy.
Designed to accelerate the emergence of this common
culture, LISI Excellence HSE (E‑HSE) aims to lay a solid
foundation for consistency with fundamentals such as
compliancewithconformityobligations,whether regulatory
or other, as well as the continuous improvement of our
performance results andorganizations. LISI E-HSE relieson
a set of operational tools that can be used to act according
to 15 areas of excellence of which 3 fundamentals: risk
assessment and control; the implementation of common
HSE rules; the development of safer behaviors.
Finally, this program makes it possible to assess each of
the Group’s sites according to four levels of maturity: the
first fixed level relates to compliance with international
standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. It is followed by
the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels, which are the growing
levels of excellence and appropriation of the HSE culture.
In 2018, 10 LISI sites were ranked Bronze.