OF E-HSE: TF1 < 8
To achieve this, the LISI Group is making progress in two
directions. The first one aims to secure all the work tools
by working on the compliance of machines, especially
those that are most dangerous. The second direction is
the development of the Safety Culture Program (SCP),
which is dedicated to risk prevention and the development
of safety behaviors as part of the overall LISI E-HSE
program (see p.22-23). This educational tool is based
on 18 training modules targeted at group managers. The
latter then pass on the preventionmessages to the teams
in 15-minute sessions.
Nowadays, employee involvement makes it possible
to reduce accidents on a regular basis. In 2018, 66% of
production sites had a work accident with or without
stoppage (TF1) rate of less than 10, which was the
intermediate target for 2018.
In 2018, 66% of production sites have an
accident with and without a stoppage
frequency rate of less than 10 accidents
per million hours worked.