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Page Background

Initiated in 2011, the LISI Group’s performance improvement

plan continues to grow. The LEAP* program, which supports

it, guides everyone’s actions in order to increase performance

in the Group’s factories. It integrates into the LISI SYSTEM,

the overall improvement plan that affects all the company’s

functions (production, risk management, organization and

management, etc.).

The deployment of LEAPmethods has accelerated in the plants

of each division: 20 maturity awards were issued at the 2017

LEAP Forum. This new harvest brings to 35 the total number

of awards given since the launch of this plan (3 gold, 12 silver

and 20 bronze awards). These results were made possible

thanks to the involvement of the network of facilitators

responsible for implementing all the methods for improving

the program, but also thanks to the constant support of the

management teams.

HR Convergence and Supply Chain

The year 2017 was alsomarked by the convergence of the LEAP

program with the organization of human resources. This

combination made it possible to involve all employees and

to clearly define the production organization rules, from the

autonomous production groups to the management teams.

The supply chain has also joined the standards of the program:

the Supply Chain Management (SCM) diagnosis, based on a

repository of the Automotive sector and applicable to the

3 divisions, was validated using a format identical to the

LEAP evaluations. The LEAP program has finally made it

possible this year to provide the maintenance teams with a

new evaluation and diagnostic tool within the framework of

LISI Productive Maintenance (LPM). Appreciated internally as

soon as it was commissioned, this tool has already generated

numerous exchanges between maintenance managers,

in France and abroad.

* LISI Excellence Achievement Program

“Performance and adaptive capacity

are  key competitive advantages.

The LEAP program directs everyone’s

actions in this direction.”



LEAP Forum Rewards.

20 LEAP awards were presented

to the plants at the 2017

LEAP Forum: 2 gold, 8 silver,

and 10 bronze awards.