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recruitment dynamics
_ The year 2016 was marked by substantial growth
in the Group’s head count. With this rise, the training
and integration efforts deployed by LISI were all the more
substantial. Both to consolidate internal skills as to adapt
existing know-how to technological progress.
he dynamism of the markets
on which LISI operates and the
increase in the Group’s conso-
lidation scope in 2016 resulted
in a strong increase in staff.
The recruitment plan led at LISI AEROSPACE
(938 recruitments carried out in 2016) and the
acquisition of REMMELE Medical Operations
in the US by LISI MEDICAL (340 employees)
resulted in a sharp rise in staff of over 6%. This
expansion backs up the efforts put forth for
many years to facilitate the integration of new
entries and to allow each individual to develop
his or her own skills.
Integration path
The training programs offered to LISI
employees make it possible to consolidate
internal know-how and to develop everyone’s
skills and increase mobility within the Group.
These training courses have been managed
and organized by LKI corporate university
(Lisi Knowledge Institute). With 953 trainees
hosted in 2016 (+33%), LKI constitutes a
pillar for the skills development strategy
upheld by the Group. At LISI AEROSPACE, it
also supervises the Armstrong integration
paths offered to each new employee from
recruitment onwards. Supervised by his or her
sponsor, the new employee is informed about
the safety rules and familiarizes himor herself
with the Group’s history, culture, values,
business lines and customers. Short internal
training courses are also offered to those
employees who would like to refresh their
knowledge of the continuous improvement
methods practiced within the Group (5S, 8D,
SMED, Six Sigma, etc.) or to study more in
depth certain personal development topics
such as stress management and efficient
Management training
The LKI University also offers training and
support paths dedicated to the improvement
of management practices. Dispensed
within an international environment,
these demanding training courses are an
indispensable ingredient to fuel Group’s
growth. They come in modules, in which
the participants are called upon – in small
groups – to elaborate projects to upgrade
the industrial, logistics, quality and financial
processes. These projects are then the
subject of reports presented to the university’s
management board.
Encouraging mobility
One of the targets pursued by LISI in the
management of its human resources
consists in allowing each employee to
progress within the Group as a function of
his or her capacities. This is the reason why
LISI encourages internal mobility. That is why
in 2016, over 1,300 positions were open to
recruitment. Present in France and around
the world with its 44 sites, the Group offers
its employees varied opportunities for career
evolution in each of its business lines.
Thomas Coville:
a partner around the world
After five attempts, the Rennes-born sailor Thomas Coville
has succeeded to beat the around the world solo sailing
record in 49 days 3 hours 7minutes and 38 seconds. Sailor’s
technical partner for 12 years already, LISI AEROSPACE’s
teams are proud to be associated with this challenge. The
company provided a large portion of the fittings for the
SODEBO ULTIM trimaran. Discrete, essential to the safety
of the skipper and the integrity of the boat, effective,
efficient and lightweight, these parts reflect of the
production of LISI AEROSPACE for aeronautical markets.