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_ A decisive strategic operation, the purchasing of one of the medical asset
of the US Company Alcoa, is substantially expanding the LISI MEDICAL product portfolio
and is propelling the division into the Top 5 of global operators.
Buyout of Remmele Medical
he acquisition in the second half of 2016 of the US
Company REMMELE Medical Operations represents
a major strategic operation for LISI MEDICAL.
Established in 1949 in Minnesota, REMMELE
Medical Operations is a leading manufacturer in
the field of components and instruments (clamps, sensors, etc.)
dedicated to minimally invasive surgery (MIS). The company holds
large positions in spine surgery, which add to and bolster those
already acquired by LISI MEDICAL and on other health markets
with strong growth potential.
An expanded offer
The buyout – which allows LISI MEDICAL to double its size – is
placing the division in the main bunch of players in the prosthesis
and medical instruments sector and in the Top 5 of global
contracts manufacturers. The operation is accelerating the entry
of LISI MEDICAL on several markets with high added value on
which it was not present such as single-use minimally invasive
surgical instrumentation, with instruments for urology, vascular
surgery systems and components for perfusion and medication
dispensing systems. Moreover, it strengthens and diversifies the
portfolio of products in the division for environments in which was
already present, such as spine implants and bone trauma, as well
as dental implants and instruments.
Sales revenue that is evenly balanced
between the USA and Europe
This acquisition finally offers LISI MEDICAL the possibility to
expand its portfolio of clients and to gain in visibility with large
players (OEMs) operating on the medical equipment markets. The
division is strongly increasing its presence in the US, the leading
world market, while splitting its volume of activity evenly between
Europe and the USA. The expansion of the division’s profile beyond
the fewmarkets of orthopaedics will for that matter allow it to take
part in the major global calls for tenders. The potential synergies
between the various sites should allow LISI MEDICAL to support
the large contractors with their global programs. The division will
thus be able to serve a client base at world level and deploy a
unique concept of manufacturing excellence for life technologies.