fter the slowdown in 2015, the global automotive
market is reviving with dynamism. All major
markets have posted growth of 4.6%, driven
by large pools of consumption. China, first of
all, whose poor performance slowed global
development in 2015, retrieved its leading role with growth in
excess of 10%. Europe, secondly, keeps its rank with automobile
consumption up 6.5%.
Europe led by Italy and Spain
Although the euro zone has not quite returned to the level that
it had before the 2008 crisis, its development capacity remains
healthy. The prime market of LISI AUTOMOTIVE, Europe was
driven in 2016 by the Italian and Spanish markets, which were
particularly dynamic. With growth levels in excess of 10%, they
rank ahead of France, Germany and Great Britain, whose growth
has remained below that of the market.
Growth of the Group’s customers
Among the major European customers of LISI AUTOMOTIVE,
Daimler, Renault-Dacia and BMW remained the most dynamic in
2016, with growth levels that exceed the 10% threshold. However,
the results are more mixed for Volkswagen and PSA, which show
lower increases than the market compared to 2015. The division,
which benefited early on from this revival movement, has seen its
business grow throughout the year, with a marked acceleration of
sales in the second half (3.8%
1.1% in the first half-year).
Acceleration in China
LISI AUTOMOTIVE’s teams were able to support the strong
growth in European demand from Daimler and Renault-Nissan,
its first customer, with the launch of new wiring products for the
1540 platform (Space, Talisman, Scénic, Mégane). Internationally,
the division was also able to meet the accelerated demand of
OEMs ZF TRW and Valeo, as well as that of major Chinese OEMs
by opening the new electric parking brake components production
line of the Shanghai plant.
Mexican dynamism
In its consolidation phase, America, the other major global
automotive market, displayed meanwhile a moderate level of
growth (0.5%) compared to 2016. The evolution of emerging
countries remains contrasted with a decline that continues
in Russia and Brazil, but strong momentum in Mexico, where
LISI AUTOMOTIVE managed the ramp-up of the Monterrey site
with the launch of sixty references of clipped solutions for four
parts suppliers.
LISI AUTOMOTIVE conducts significant efforts
to increase its international presence, particularly
in China and in the NAFTA region, with the deployment
of the Mexican plastic injection plant in Monterrey
(clipped solutions), whose ramp-up went smoothly in