1 I COMPANY ACTIVITY DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR AND FUTURE OUTLOOK 76 1.1 I Appropriation of earnings 77 2 I FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 80 2.1 I Income statement at 12/31/2018 80 2.2 I Company balance sheet as at 12/31/2018 81 2.3 I Cash flow statement at 12/31/2018 82 2.4 I Change in shareholders’ equity at 12/31/2018 82 3 I NOTES TO THE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 83 3.1 I Accounting principles and policies 83 3.2 I Detail of balance sheet items 84 3.3 I Detail of main income statement items 87 3.4 I Financial commitments 88 3.5 I Subsidiaries and holdings 89 3.6 I Identity of the consolidating company 89 3.7 I Award of performance shares 89 3.8 I Miscellaneous information 90 4 I FINANCIAL RESULTS OF LISI S.A. OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS 91