1. I 2017 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 150 1.1 | Total mandates and functions of corporate officers 150 1.2 | Agreements 150 1.3 | Current delegation of powers granted by the Shareholders’ General Meeting for the purpose of capital increases 150 1.4 | Means of exercising the senior management of the Company, in accordance with Article L.225-51-1 150 1.5 | Composition, conditions of preparation and organization of the work of the Board of Directors 150 1.6 | Limitation of the authority of the Senior Management 151 1.7 | Implementation of the “apply or explain” rule of the AFEP-MEDEF Code 151 1.8 | Special conditions applicable to the participation of shareholders in the Shareholders’ General Meeting 151 1.9 | Remunerations and benefits in kind 152 1.10 | Factors likely to have an impact in the event of a public offer for purchase or exchange 152 1.11 | Draft resolutions relating to the principles and criteria for the determination of the remuneration and benefits of corporate officers 152 2. I AUDITORS’ SPECIAL REPORT ON REGULATED AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS - FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2017 153 3. I AUDITORS’ REPORT ON THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2017 154 4. I AUDITORS’ REPORT ON THE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2017 157 5. I REPORT BY THE INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY ORGANIZATION ON THE CONSOLIDATED SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE MANAGEMENT REPORT 160 6. I DRAFT RESOLUTIONS 162DOCUMENTS SPECIFIC