Historically,digital toolshavebeenattheheart
of LISI AEROSPACE’s approach to product
design and development. They are used to
simulate the lifetimeperformanceof products
andoptimizemanufacturingprocedures used
toproduct them. Theyprovidecrucial support
in the development of technical expertise,
and reduce timeframes and costs in the development and
The development of computer simulation skills concerns all
products and manufacturing processes implemented by the
division. This long-term global approach goes well beyond
softwareas such. The relevanceof the resultsobtained isdirectly
related to the faithful reproduction of physical phenomena:
definition of the laws of materials behavior, measurement and
acquisition of physical parameters of our production tools,
correlation work, etc. Mastery of these resources and of these
skills is absolutely essential to ensure a realistic and powerful
computer simulationchain.
Digitizationof complexprocedures
Digitizationof all our product linesandproductionmethods is
our objective,witha view toachieving technical and industrial
excellence. A challenge partlymet in respect of the families of
critical engine components, such as discs, bladed discs, fan
bladesorcompressors,etc.Thecomplexproceduresused inthe
production of these parts (initial preparation, heating, forging
inoneor two runs, heat treatments,machining, etc.) constitute
multiple factors inthemasteryof fiberingand finalparticlesizes
required in these types of components. The implementation
of a complete digital chain, now within reach, allows better
controlof these risks.This isalready thecase for thesimulation
of forgingandcloseddie-forgingoperations,whichhasbeen in
use for about fifteen years using the FORGE™ tool. This is also
true for themicrostructureprediction laws, developed through
several theses supportedbyManoir Aerospace teams, and for
the simulation of firing and heat treatment operations, which
are the subject of anupstream collaborativeproject knownas
*FORGE™ isa trademarkof TRANSVALORSA.
LISI 2014