LISI GROUP - Activity report 2014 - page 33

with the integration of Manoir Aerospace, led the Aerospace
division to review and consolidate its R&D roadmap. Beyond
technologicalareas, strengthened in the fieldofmaterials,digital
simulation and new manufacturing technologies, particular
focus was placed on project organization andmethodology. A
major initiative was launched in technical projects (Research,
Development, Industrialization andCapitalization). This should
allow us to identify and share best practices across sites in
the division before bringing them together in a communal
management frame of reference. Its deployment, carriedout in
parallel with the LEAP improvement initiative employed by the
Group, will improve the efficiency and visibility of all activities
related to technicalexpertise.This initiativeequallyconcerns the
evaluationof conceptsbeyond thevalidationandcapitalization
ofourmanufacturingknowledge.Theworkof theR&D teamshas
alsoallowed thedivision to file19newpatents thisyear,bringing
theLISIAEROSPACEportfolio to319patents.Partof this increase
isdue to the integrationof theManoirAerospacecompany.
active invehiclesofthefuture
For its part, LISI AUTOMOTIVE has launched a vast innovation program
concerning products and processes, led by the new LISI AUTOMOTIVE
research center at Grandvillars. This impetus has allowed LISI
AUTOMOTIVE’s R&D teams to actively participate in researching vehicles
of the future, in the areas of weight reduction, driverless vehicles and
safety. To speed up these developments, each Business Group relies
on a product or process innovation / pre-engineering team in charge of
working in advance of production alongside car makers or component
manufacturers. A Research and Innovation Steering Committee ensures
coordinationof thiswork.
The LISI MEDICAL division continued the integration of new
of its reconstruction branch. New packaging technologies
were also developed to ensure a very high quality of packaged
productswhichcanbeuseddirectly inoperating theatersduring
LISI 2014
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