
The first P of LISI's sustainable development strategy, People focuses on two major objectives: protecting employees and retaining talent. In 2023, the Group implemented a number of actions to develop its employer brand. The Welcome to the Jungle platform, for example, helps boost our visibility and recruitment; more than 47,000 visitors to our showcase and more than 900 job offers published. LISI is also a partner of the “Elles Bougent” association to strengthen the diversity of talents within its teams and in particular on the feminization of jobs.
#1 Protect our employees
Objectives assessment
- TF1(1) down.
- 0 level 1 machine non-compliances maintained.
- 100% of staff trained in security at least once a year.
- Breakup plan for accident-prone sites.
- ISO 45001 certification.
Challenges & Objectives
SDG(2) 3 : Good health and well-being
GRI(3) 403‑2
#2 Retain our talents
Objectives assessment
- LISI Group promoted to attract talent.
- Guarantee a working environment conducive to development and fulfillment.
- Develop diversity.
- Engage the teams.
Challenges & Objectives
% of women cadres
SDG 5: Gender equality
GRI 401‑1
% of resignations
SDG 5: Gender equality
GRI 401‑1
(1) TF1 : Number of workplace accidents with and without lost time per million hours worked.
(2) SDG: Sustainable development goals.
(3) GRI : Global Reporting Initiative.

“Elles Bougent”, to strengthen the position of women in the industry
In 2020, the LISI Group joined the “Elles Bougent” association whose objective is to strengthen diversity and deconstruct stereotypes about professions in the industry. Created in 2005, the association multiplies its actions to open young girls’ horizons to careers that they often know nothing about. Supported by a host of industrial groups, by engineering schools and by several ministries, “Elles Bougent” organizes forums, challenges, offers plant visits and specialized tradeshows to inspire vocations via testimonials.
The LISI Group welcomed groups of students to the SIAE - Paris Air Show (read opposite).
The diversity of talents in plants is one of the Group's priorities. “We wanted to mobilize to fight the stereotypes that weigh on the industry and encourage women to consider careers in this sector,” emphasizes Élisabeth Willocq, R&T Director – Engine and Structural components at LISI AEROSPACE. “The industrial sector must open up even more to women to enrich the world of work.”
Since joining forces with the association, 38 employees (25 in 2022) of the LISI Group and its divisions have accepted to take on a role as ambassadors and pass on their passion and encourage callings. Although the Group still needs to make progress on this indicator, it remains in motion and is taking a host of actions to increase the feminization of positions in its plants.
Ambassadors mobilized at the Paris Air Show
As part of the actions carried out by the Group with the “Elles Bougent” association, LISI AEROSPACE welcomed six groups of students to its stand to make its professions visible and explain them. Élisabeth Willocq (on the photo, left), R&T Director – Engine and Structural components and Mina Khalij (on the photo, right), Central documentation manager, accepted the role of “ambassadors” to guide them. A unique experience: “To me it was very important to take advantage of the show to explain and demonstrate to young girls that careers in the industry are not only male jobs. I think diversity is essential in industrial professions; it enriches the working environment and increases collective performance,” insisted Élisabeth Willocq during her speech at SIAE 2023. For her part, Mina Khalij remembers having had a chance to discover the industry during an identical visit organized during her studies. She admitted to having “fallen in love with this sector” on that occasion.
“To me it was very important to take advantage of the show to explain and demonstrate to young girls that careers in ithe ndustry are not only male jobs.”
Élisabeth Willocq,
R&T Director – Engine and Structural components, at LISI AEROSPACE.

A showcase on the “Welcome to The Jungle” platform
A pioneer in the job search ecosystem and a specialist of trends in the world of work, Welcome to the Jungle makes it possible to identify and highlight inspiring companies and deliver general content on the groups that recruit and their values, their development strategies, etc. This is the reason why LISI chose to develop a “showcase”, to help discover its universe, highlight its profile, the job offers and career opportunities offered by the Group, as well as the reasons for joining its teams in France and around the world.