March 15, 2023,
Our Group has built its growth on compliance with laws and best practices. Through the values we uphold via the development of our CSR policy and our membership of Global Compact, our Group is committed to fighting corruption in all of its forms. LISI attaches the greatest importance to acting irreproachably with our stakeholders.
In order to guarantee this commitment, our Group has implemented our Code of Conduct. This is consistent with the line of conduct set out in our Annual Report.
This Code of Conduct is designed to guide good business behavior:
- It applies to corporate officers, members of executive and management committees, and all employees of the LISI Group.
- It sets the principles that Group employees must follow in the course of their professional activities. It will complement the rules, procedures and standards defined in each country to which our employees shall continue to follow.
- All persons acting on behalf of LISI are required to comply with this Code of Conduct, regardless of the place and nature of their work
- The LISI Group will ensure that our partners share the same values.
Jean-Philippe KOHLER
Chairman of LISI
Chief Executive Officer of LISI
Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct |
6,98 Mo |
Verhaltenskodex zur Korruptionsbekämpfung |
7,02 Mo |
مدونة قواعد السلوك لمكافحة الفساد |
17,8 Mo |
Código de conducta anticorrupción |
7,02 Mo |
反腐败行为准则 |
11,8 Mo |
Kodeks przeciwdziałania korupcji |
7,03 Mo |
Kodex chováni v oblasti boje proti korupci a ovlivňování |
7,09 Mo |
Yolsuzlukla Mücadele Davranış Kuralları |
7,02 Mo |
Whistleblowing collection’s policy |
1.79 Mo |
Verfahren zum Erheben von Warnmeldungen |
685 ko |
مسطرة جمع تقارير التبليغ |
607 ko |
Procedimiento de recopilación de denuncias |
700 ko |
举报受理程序 |
732 ko |
Procedura przyjmowania zgłoszeń |
1273 ko |
Postup shromažďování oznámení trestných činů |
750 ko |
İhbar Toplama Prosedürü |
1325 ko |
AI Charter
December 11, 2024,
Our Group has initiated an ambitious approach around artificial intelligence, with the implementation of a charter focused on AI. Drawn up by a multi-skilled internal working group, this charter aims to promote the use of AI while setting the framework. It offers our employees the keys to fully understanding the opportunities, expectations, risks and responsibilities associated with its use.
This charter is designed to guide our employees:
- It provides a definition of AI and LISI's objectives.
- It defines the types of use cases.
- It lists the PEOPLE, PLANET and PROFIT impacts of AI to be taken into account.
- It presents a focus on generative AI and its golden rules.
AI Charter |
200 ko |
Charta für die Nutzung der KI |
216 ko |
Carta del Usuario de IA |
185 ko |
人工智能用户宪章 |
442 ko |
Karta użytkownika AI |
300 ko |
Charta uživatelů AI |
294 ko |
Yapay Zeka Kullanıcı Sözleşmesi |
312 ko |