Auditors’ Special Report On Regulated Agreements And Commitments
- Financial Year Ended December 31, 2018
To the Shareholders’ General Meeting of LISI,
In our capacity as Auditors of your Company, we will now present our
report on regulated agreements and commitments.
It isourresponsibilityto informyou,basedonthe informationprovidedto
and commitments of which we have been informed or which we would
have discovered in the context of our assignment, and the evidence of
their benefit for the Company, without having to express an opinion as to
their usefulness or appropriateness, nor investigate the existence of
other such agreements or commitments. It is for you to assess the
relevance involved in the conclusion of these agreements and
commitments prior to their approval, as per the terms of ArticleR.225‑31
of the French Commercial Code.
Besides, it is up to us, if applicable, to provide you with the information
providedfor inArticleR.225‑31oftheFrenchCommercialCoderegarding
the enforcement, in the year elapsed, of the agreements and
commitments already approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting.
Wehave implementedtheduediligencemeasuresdeemednecessaryfor
this mission as outlined by France’s national audit regulatory body, the
Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes.
Agreements and commitments subjected to the approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting
We hereby inform you that we have not been informed of any agreement or any commitment authorized and entered into during the year ended to be
submitted for the approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting pursuant to the provisions of Article L.225‑38 of the French Commercial Code.
Agreements and commitments already approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting
We inform you that we have not been informed of any agreement or commitment already approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting whose
implementation would have been continued during the period elapsed.
Paris and Paris-La Défense, March 27, 2019
The Auditors
ERNST & YOUNG et Autres
Pierre Burnel
Pierre Jouanne