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On October 31, 2017, LISI Group bought 51% of the shares of TERMAX

(Automobile USA) and committed to purchase the remaining 49% by

March 31, 2021.


LISI Group receives ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification for all of its

activities. Previously each LISI site was individually certified, but the

Group now has single, multi-site certification.

LISI AUTOMOTIVE confirms the acquisition of the assets of US company

Hi-Vol Products, intended to strengthen its global position in the


base in North America.

LISI AUTOMOTIVE sells BETEO GmbH & Co. KG. (€6.9m sales revenue in

2018) specialized in surface technology to the German company

BENSELER, with which a subcontracting agreement was signed.



 Company name –

Head Office and legislation

Company name and head office

LISI S.A. – 6 rue Juvénal Viellard – CS70431 GRANDVILLARS 90008


Legal form of the issuer and applicable legislation

“Société Anonyme” (public limited company) governed by French


Place and number of registration


R.C.S.: BELFORT 536 820 269


NAF Code: 7010 Z



 Incorporation and term –

Articles of Association

Incorporation and term

The company was set up on July 5, 1968. Its term expires on July 4, 2067,

excepting early dissolution or renewal.


According to article 2 of the by-laws, the company’s purpose is:


the acquisition of equity interests in all types of companies, including

commercial, manufacturing, financial, securities and property

development companies;


the manufacture, purchase and sale of all items, especially those

relating to screws, nuts and bolts, forging, lathing andmachine tooling

and building;


where necessary, all transactions relating to themachine industry and

sale of related products;


the direct or indirect participation in all transactions or business

matters that could have an impact on said business purpose or which

could help further the interests of the corporation, by any means,


purchase of shares and rights;


and more generally, all commercial, securities and real estate

transactions, be they directly or indirectly related to the business

purpose or likely to facilitate its expansion or growth.

Financial Year

The company’s accounting period begins on January 1 and ends on

December 31 of each year.

Specific statutory clauses

Article 17 – Distribution of earnings


Out of the distributable profit, all amounts the Shareholders’ General

Meeting shall decide to carry forward to the next year or allocate to the

creation of extraordinary, contingency, or other funds, with or without

a special allocation. The remainder is distributed between the

shareholders, in proportion to the share capital held.


Each shareholder may be granted the option of receiving payment in

cash or in shares under the terms provided for by law, for all or part of

the dividend or the advance on the dividend distributed.

Article 15 -1 to 15‑5 – Shareholders’ General Meetings


Shareholders’ General Meetings are held and deliberate in accordance

with the applicable legal provisions. They meet at the head office or at

any other location specified in themeeting notice.


TheShareholders’GeneralMeeting iscomposedofalltheshareholders,

regardless of the number of shares they own, provided that the shares

are fully paid-up. The right to attend in person or to be represented by

proxy is subject:

1. for registered shareholders, to the registration of their shares in a

“pure” nominee or administered personal account at least five days

before the date of the Meeting;

2. forholdersofbearershares, ifanyexist,tothesubmissionwithinthe

same period of time, of a certificate established by the authorized


account until the date of the Meeting.

However, theBoard of Directorsmay, as a general rule, reduce or waive

this time period.


The Meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or,

in his absence, by the oldest Deputy Chairman, or in the absence of a

Deputy Chairman, by the most senior director present at the Meeting.

Failing this, the Meeting will elect its Chairman.


Barring any legal or regulatorymeasures to the contrary, eachmember

of the Shareholders’ General Meeting is entitled to asmany share votes

as he owns or represents, both in his own name and as a proxy, without

limitation. However, certain shares have double the voting rights of

other shares in view of the proportion of share capital they represent,


1. allfullypaid-upsharesregisteredinthenameofthesameshareholder

for at least four (4) years;

2. allsharesallocatedfreeofchargetoshareholdersaspartofacapital

increase carried out through the incorporation of reserves, profits


are entitled to such double voting rights.

Double-voting rights cease to apply once the shares change hands.

However,theaforementionedtimeperiod isnot interruptedanddouble

voting rights still apply in the event that transfers occur as a result of

inheritance, liquidation of community property between spouses or

gifts inter vivos to a partner or family relation who is entitled to

inheritance rights.