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Main features of the internal control and risk management

procedures put in place by LISI SA relating to the preparation and

processing of accounting and financial information

Internal audit repository

The Internal Control Department developed a new Internal Audit

Repository in 2011 based on a Questionnaire of 134 questions that

cover all of the Internal Control Manual processes: Purchasing, Capital

Expenditures, Sales, Inventories, Cash, and Human Resources.

In 2015, this questionnaire was reviewed in order to improve internal

control standards. Accordingly, an additional process comprising

24 questions was introduced for the control of our IT systems. It was

revised in October 2017 in coordination with the IT Departments of the

three divisions. The number of questions was reduced to 22.

Audits have been used since 2012 to validate (or invalidate) the level

of internal audit achieved in each of the business units; they have

continued throughout the whole of 2017 with 12 audit tasks completed.

The Group’s overall score level remained stable at 84% and above our

conventional minimum of 80%.

We feel that the stiffening of the internal control requirements caused

a loss of about 6 points on the scores achieved in 2017, while the impact

of the Chapter “Information Systems” would be approximately 1 point.

A more detailed analysis by division shows that:


LISI AEROSPACE maintained its score of 82% from last year;


LISI AUTOMOTIVE’s score fell by 2 points but still remains good at 85%;


LISI MEDICAL’s score increased by 5 points to 86%.

Finally, a process analysis indicates that, with the exception of the

IT Systems cycle, all other processes have now achieved above our

conventional 80% standard.

Lastly, in 2017, the Internal Audit Department continued its good

practices efforts through the promotion of ICCS (Internal Control

Committees). These CCIs bring the internal audit referents in the

divisions together with the Managers concerned depending on the

topics addressed: HR, IS, Inventories etc. This work will of course be

continued in 2018 with the development of processes for the SAPIN 2

law, due diligence and the GDPR (protection of personal data).

Risk mapping

The main risks identified in the context of the budget and strategic

planning in the medium term belong to four categories:


market risks to be anticipated as accurately as possible within all



possible effects of over-stocking based on the current contracts;


strong downward pressure on non-contractual prices;


missed opportunities on major newmarkets;


marginalization due to insufficient size in a context of market player


Industrial challenges:


essential productivity programs to be carried out to sustain certain

industrial processes and maintain competitiveness in high cost areas,

sometimes accompanied by reconversion in the more attractive

segments of the business;


launches of new products which are technically very challenging;


customer requirements that are impossible to achieve;



and fire prevention, for which relocation projects are under study and

or underway;


installations deemed critical for which prevention and security plans

must be initiated.


TheLISI Group is regularly the subject of attempted fraud, in themajority

by identity theft. The alert procedure established in 2013 is still in force.

Profitability assessment of major investments

As part of the procedure for investment commitments described in the

internal audit manual, audits for measuring the achievement of criteria

(Payback and ROI) are routinely performed on a polling basis within two

years after the completion of major projects for the Group.


The Group finds the standard of internal audit appropriate to the size and

typology of the risks identified.

In 2018, theGroupwill focus on continuing its internal control strategy to:


respond to the Group’s growth and quickly bring all Group entities into

line with the COS (Controlling Operating System) and audit standards;


raise the internal audit ratings of sites whose scores are below the

Group standard of 80%;


deploy a risk-based approach via the software solution set up, and

harmonize its processes with all strategic and operational action



implement anti-corruption measures in accordance with the Sapin

Law, along with its associated alert measures, and comply with due

diligence and management of personal data.

Additional information


Deductible expenses for tax purposes aremade up of depreciation and

rental of passenger vehicles totaling €22,252.


LISI S.A. has, through a market maker’s contract with an independent

service provider, purchased 597,181 LISI shares for €22.6 million and

has sold 600,570 shares for a sum of €22.5 million. At December 31,

2017, the number of shares held through the market maker’s contract

was 19,289.


Treasury shares held at December 31, 2017 totaled 976,887 shares,

including those related to the market maker’s contract.


Accounts payable amounted to €1,397 and 90%of suppliers, excluding

fixed asset suppliers, were paid in cash.