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dvances in medicine and sociodemogr aphic

developments (aging, obesity, development of emerging

countries), open up new fields of application for

LISI MEDICAL products. Minimally invasive surgery

instruments, which bring about a number of innovations, are

indeed increasingly used in general, visceral, neurological and

urological surgery, and also more recently in orthopedics,

a segment where LISI MEDICAL is historically positioned.

Surgical Robots and 3D Printing

The emergence of surgical robots, a new development factor

in minimally invasive surgery, is revolutionizing sectors that

have so far been relatively weak. All the major players in

orthopedics are now equipped. The orthopedics market has

seen its growth (+4%) partly driven by the increasing adoption

of robots in the treatment of diseases of the hip, knee and

spine, and by the development of minimally invasive

instrumentation for spine or trauma surgery. These positive

developments are complemented by the development of

additive manufacturing techniques (3D printing), which

transforms the traditional industrial approach, particularly in

the dental, maxillofacial and, more recently, orthopedic sectors.

Concentration and race for innovation

The movement towards concentration that has prevailed for

several years in the medical device sector continued in 2017.

Tariff pressures exerted on the industry to accompany the

general reduction of health expenditures indeed encourage

industry players to seek the critical size, to intensify their

innovation efforts in order to value and/or differentiate their

offer. This movement is still under way and is reflected in

outsourcing. In order to reduce their costs, themain customers

have today a tendency to reduce the number of their

subcontractors, to keep only those whose industrial capacity

is significant, international and sustainable. The consolidation

of LISI MEDICAL Remmele, acquired in 2016, now enables the

division to offer this profile to its customers.





2017 sales revenue




EBIT (+ 5.7%)



Growth of the orthopedic market